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The FGF21 analog pegozafermin in severe hypertriglyceridemia: a randomized phase 2 trial
Nature Medicine ( IF 58.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41591-023-02427-z
Deepak L Bhatt 1 , Harold E Bays 2 , Michael Miller 3 , James E Cain 4 , Katarzyna Wasilewska 5 , Nabil S Andrawis 6 , Teresa Parli 7 , Shibao Feng 7 , Lulu Sterling 7 , Leo Tseng 7 , Cynthia L Hartsfield 7 , Germaine D Agollah 7 , Hank Mansbach 7 , John J P Kastelein 8 ,

Pegozafermin, a long-acting glycopegylated analog of human fibroblast growth factor 21, is in development for the treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia (SHTG) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Here we report the results of a phase 2, double-blind, randomized, five-arm trial testing pegozafermin at four different doses (n = 67; 52 male) versus placebo (n = 18; 12 male) for 8 weeks in patients with SHTG (triglycerides (TGs), ≥500 mg dl−1 and ≤2,000 mg dl−1). Treated patients showed a significant reduction in median TGs for the pooled pegozafermin group versus placebo (57.3% versus 11.9%, difference versus placebo −43.7%, 95% confidence interval (CI): −57.1%, −30.3%; P < 0.001), meeting the primary endpoint of the trial. Reductions in median TGs ranged from 36.4% to 63.4% across all treatment arms and were consistent regardless of background lipid-lowering therapy. Results for secondary endpoints included significant decreases in mean apolipoprotein B and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations (−10.5% and −18.3% for pooled doses compared to 1.1% and −0.6% for placebo (95% CI: −21.5%, −2.0%; P = 0.019 and 95% CI: −30.7%, −5.1%; P = 0.007, respectively), as well as a significant decrease in liver fat fraction for pooled treatment (n = 17) versus placebo (n = 6; −42.2% pooled pegozafermin, −8.3% placebo; 95% CI: −60.9%, −8.7%; P = 0.012), as assessed in a magnetic resonance imaging sub-study. No serious adverse events were observed to be related to the study drug. If these results are confirmed in a phase 3 trial, pegozafermin could be a promising treatment for SHTG (ClinicalTrials.gov registration: NCT0441186).


FGF21 类似物培戈扎芬明治疗严重高甘油三酯血症:一项随机 2 期试验

Pegozafermin 是一种人成纤维细胞生长因子 21 的长效糖聚乙二醇化类似物,正在开发用于治疗严重高甘油三酯血症 (SHTG) 和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎。在此,我们报告了一项 2 期、双盲、随机、五臂试验的结果,该试验在患有以下疾病的患者中测试了四种不同剂量的培戈扎芬明( n = 67;52 名男性)与安慰剂( n = 18;12 名男性)8 周的结果。 SHTG(甘油三酯(TG),≥500 mg dl -1且≤2,000 mg dl -1 )。与安慰剂组相比,接受治疗的患者显示合并的培戈扎铁明组的中位 TG 显着降低(57.3% 与 11.9%,与安慰剂组的差异为 -43.7%,95% 置信区间 (CI):-57.1%、-30.3%; P < 0.001) ,达到试验的主要终点。所有治疗组的中位 TG 降低范围为 36.4% 至 63.4%,并且无论背景降脂治疗如何,均保持一致。次要终点的结果包括平均载脂蛋白 B 和非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度显着降低(合并剂量为 -10.5% 和 -18.3%,而安慰剂为 1.1% 和 -0.6%(95% CI:-21.5%, −2.0%; P = 0.019 和 95% CI:分别为 −30.7%、-5.1%; P = 0.007),并且与安慰剂组( n = 6;-42.2% 合并培戈扎芬明,-8.3% 安慰剂;95% CI:-60.9%,-8.7%; P = 0.012),经磁共振成像子研究评估,未观察到相关的严重不良事件。如果这些结果在 3 期试验中得到证实,pegozafermin 可能是一种有前景的 SHTG 治疗方法(ClinicalTrials.gov 注册号:NCT0441186)。
