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First Record of Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 (Oligochaeta) in the Sheksna Reservoir (Upper Volga)
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-22 , DOI: 10.1134/s2075111723020042
K. N. Ivicheva , I. V. Filonenko


In August 2021, two specimens of alien oligochaetes of tropical origin Branchiura sowerbyi were found in the Sheksna Reservoir of the Vologda oblast (59°45′21″ N, 38°21′28″ E). As of today, this is the northernmost finding of this species. Probably, this species penetrated with the ballast waters from the Don River lower course through the Volga-Don canal and the Volga-Baltic waterway. The temperature regime of the water bodies of the Vologda region allows reproduction of this oligochaete.


谢克斯纳水库(伏尔加河上游)的 Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard 的首次记录(Oligochaeta),1892 年


2021 年 8 月,在沃洛格达州谢克斯纳水库(北纬 59°45′21″,东经 38°21′28″)发现了两具来自热带的外来寡毛类Branchiura sowerbyi标本。截至今天,这是该物种在最北端的发现。该物种可能是随着顿河下游的压载水穿过伏尔加河-顿河运河和伏尔加-波罗的海航道渗透的。沃洛格达地区水体的温度状况允许这种寡毛类动物的繁殖。
