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Influence of pipe materials on in-building disinfection of P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii in simulated hot water plumbing
Water Research X Pub Date : 2023-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.wroa.2023.100189
Abraham Cullom 1 , Mattheu Storme Spencer 1 , Myra D Williams 2 , Joseph O Falkinham 2 , Amy Pruden 1 , Marc A Edwards 1

A framework is needed to account for interactive effects of plumbing materials and disinfectants on opportunistic pathogens (OPs) in building water systems. Here we evaluated free chlorine, monochloramine, chlorine dioxide, and copper-silver ionization (CSI) for controlling and as two representative OPs that colonize hot water plumbing, in tests using polyvinylchloride (PVC), copper-PVC, and iron-PVC convectively-mixed pipe reactors (CMPRs). Pipe materials vulnerable to corrosion (i.e., iron and copper) altered the pH, dissolved oxygen, and disinfectant levels in a manner that influenced growth trends of the two OPs and total bacteria. grew well in PVC CMPRs, poorly in iron-PVC CMPRs, and was best controlled by CSI disinfection, whereas showed the opposite trend for pipe material and was better controlled by chlorine and chlorine dioxide. Various scenarios were identified in which pipe material and disinfectant can interact to either hinder or accelerate growth of OPs, illustrating the difficulties of controlling OPs in portions of plumbing systems experiencing warm, stagnant water.



需要一个框架来解释管道材料和消毒剂对建筑供水系统中机会性病原体 (OP) 的相互作用。在这里,我们在使用聚氯乙烯 (PVC)、铜-PVC 和铁-PVC 对流的测试中,评估了游离氯、一氯胺、二氧化氯和铜-银电离 (CSI),用于控制和作为两种在热水管道中定居的代表性 OP。混合管反应器(CMPR)。易腐蚀的管道材料(即铁和铜)会改变 pH 值、溶解氧和消毒剂水平,从而影响两种有机磷和细菌总数的生长趋势。 PVC CMPR 中生长良好,铁-PVC CMPR 中生长较差,并且通过 CSI 消毒控制效果最好,而管道材料则表现出相反的趋势,并且通过氯和二氧化氯控制效果更好。确定了各种情况,其中管道材料和消毒剂可以相互作用,阻碍或加速有机磷的生长,这说明了在经历温暖、停滞水的管道系统部分中控制有机磷的困难。