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Fueling the party machine: Evidence from Greece during Metapolitefsi
Explorations in Economic History ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eeh.2023.101538
Pantelis Kammas , Maria Poulima , Vassilis Sarantides

The establishment of the Third Hellenic Republic in 1974 (Metapolitefsi) was characterized by an increased public demand for a less centralized political system. The main political parties that emerged responded by giving priority to the development of local and regional organizations and creating a wide network of grassroots movements. This led to a gradual introduction of more decentralized political institutions and a significant increase of expenses to prefectures and subsidies to municipalities. Building on two novel hand-collected datasets at the prefectural and municipal levels, our analysis provides empirical evidence of party favoritism in the spatial allocation of intergovernmental transfers during the first two decades of Metapolitefsi. We argue that governing parties diverted intergovernmental transfers towards their political strongholds and politically aligned mayors, as local authorities played the role of the focal points in the process of party building.


为政党机器加油:Metapolitefsi 期间希腊的证据

1974 年希腊第三共和国 ( Metapolitefsi )的建立,其特点是公众对中央集权程度较低的政治制度的需求不断增加。出现的主要政党的反应是优先发展地方和区域组织并建立广泛的草根运动网络。这导致逐步引入更加分权的政治机构,并大幅增加了都道府县的开支和市政府的补贴。我们的分析以地市级两个新颖的手工收集数据集为基础,提供了Metapolitefsi 前二十年政府间转移支付空间分配中政党偏袒的经验证据。我们认为,执政党将政府间转移资金转向其政治据点和政治上结盟的市长,因为地方当局在政党建设过程中发挥了协调中心的作用。
