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Observation of near-zero thermal expansion in CrVMoO7
Scripta Materialia ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115597
Naike Shi , Xiangqi Kong , Andrea Sanson , Na Wang , Alessandro Venier , Danilo Oliveira de Souza , Jun Chen

Materials with zero thermal expansion (ZTE) are important for many high-performance applications but are very rare. Here we report the discovery and characterization of near-ZTE in CrVMoO7. CrVMoO7 shows near-ZTE in a wide range of working temperatures (av ∼ -1.92 × 10−6 K−1, 100–240 K and 2.28 × 10−6 K−1, 240–473 K). This material shows small thermal expansion along two axes, with negative thermal expansion along the third axis that nearly cancels the small positive expansion along the other two axes. Through the joint characterizations, the transverse vibrations of O6 and O4 atoms contribute more to the NTE. In this work, CrVMoO7 provides a new option in the ZTE field as an undoped single-phase material.


CrVMoO7 中近零热膨胀的观察

零热膨胀 (ZTE) 材料对于许多高性能应用都很重要,但非常罕见。在这里,我们报告了 CrVMoO 7中近 ZTE 的发现和表征。CrVMoO 7在较宽的工作温度范围内(a v ∼ -1.92 × 10 -6 K -1 , 100–240 K 和 2.28 × 10 -6 K -1 , 240–473 K)表现出近ZTE。这种材料沿两个轴表现出较小的热膨胀,沿第三个轴的负热膨胀几乎抵消了沿其他两个轴的较小的正膨胀。通过联合表征, O6 和 O4 原子的横向振动对 NTE 贡献更大。在这项工作中,CrVMoO7作为无掺杂单相材料为中兴通讯领域提供了新的选择。
