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Bottom-up Solution Synthesis of Graphene Nanoribbons with Precisely Engineered Nanopores
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-19 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202305737
Wenhui Niu 1, 2, 3 , Yubin Fu 1, 2 , Gianluca Serra 4 , Kun Liu 2 , Jörn Droste 5, 6 , Yeonju Lee 7 , Zhitian Ling 8 , Fugui Xu 3 , José D Cojal González 7 , Andrea Lucotti 4 , Jürgen P Rabe 7 , Michael Ryan Hansen 5 , Wojciech Pisula 8, 9 , Paul W M Blom 8 , Carlos-Andres Palma 7, 10 , Matteo Tommasini 4 , Yiyong Mai 3 , Ji Ma 1, 2 , Xinliang Feng 1, 2

Porous graphene nanoribbon (pGNR) has been obtained for the first time by bottom-up solution-phase synthesis. The key design is to use the tailor-made polyphenylene precursor bearing pre-installed hexagonal nanopores, which allows us to access the pGNR with fully conjugated backbone and precisely embedded nanopores. The resultant pGNR presents enlarged band gap and enhanced liquid-phase processability, compared to its nonporous counterparts.



首次通过自下而上的溶液相合成获得了多孔石墨烯纳米带(pGNR )。关键设计是使用带有预装六角形纳米孔的定制聚亚苯基前驱体,这使我们能够获得具有完全共轭骨架和精确嵌入纳米孔的pGNR 。与无孔对应物相比,所得pGNR具有更大的带隙和增强的液相加工性能。