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Grassroots scaling up: Navigating algorithmic scales in a technopolitical landscape
Language in Society ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-16 , DOI: 10.1017/s0047404523000453
Lauren Zentz

My theoretical aim in this article is to focus on an examination of processual enactments of scale in light of the technological affordances that are currently at the disposal of a significant majority of humans. I offer the terms algorithmic scales and algorithmic scalar affordances to describe one activist's engagement of practical theories of scale—her ‘algorithmic imagination’ (Bucher 2017)—which led her to design her audience in ways intended to algorithmically scale up, or amplify, her activities on Facebook—to enhance their spread numerically, rapidly, and translocally, making use of the algorithmically constructed communicative possibilities or affordances available to her on the site. (Social media, scale, algorithms, audience design, Facebook, activism, nation, politics)



我在本文中的理论目的是根据目前大多数人可以使用的技术可供性来重点检查规模的过程制定。我提供条款算法量表算法标量可供性描述一位活动家对实用规模理论的参与——她的“算法想象力”(Bucher 2017)——这导致她以旨在通过算法扩大规模的方式设计她的受众,或者放大,她在 Facebook 上的活动——利用她在网站上可用的算法构建的交流可能性或可​​供性,以数字、快速和跨地域的方式增强这些活动的传播。(社交媒体、规模、算法、受众设计、Facebook、激进主义、国家、政治)