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Original Design and Allometric Variation in Kirk Points of the Central Ohio Archaeological Digitization Survey
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10816-023-09612-x
Michael J. Shott , Kevin C. Nolan , Eric Olson

The Central Ohio Archaeological Digitization Survey (COADS) documented large samples of prehistoric artifacts, notably points, held by private collectors in south-central Ohio, USA. COADS captured two-dimensional images of over 10,000 points and several hundred three-dimensional images. Many were processed for landmark-based geometric morphometric (LGM) analysis using two standard protocols, for entire points and for stems only. This case study tests for resharpening allometry—the possibility that preferential resharpening of blades caused change in shape with change in size of points—and related LGM concepts of modularity and integration. It justifies allometric tests as logical preconditions to typological and other studies of original design. To date, most LGM studies of this nature in North America involve Paleoindian fluted points. We test for allometry in COADS Kirk points, an Archaic type, using LGM and complementary reduction measures. MorphoJ and limited gmshiny analysis suggest a strong allometric signal with fairly high modularity; blade shape much more than stem shape varies with size, corroborated by independent measures. Separate analysis of stems alone indicates no allometry, as expected since stems vary little in resharpening. Allometry must be considered before attributing variation in whole-object shape to adaptation, drift, or other mechanisms.



俄亥俄州中部考古数字化调查 (COADS) 记录了美国俄亥俄州中南部私人收藏家持有的大量史前文物样本,特别是点。 COADS 捕获了超过 10,000 个点的二维图像和数百个三维图像。许多数据都使用两种标准协议进行基于地标的几何形态测量 (LGM) 分析,针对整个点和仅针对茎。本案例研究测试重磨异速(优先重磨刀片导致形状随点大小变化而变化的可能性)以及相关的模块化和集成的 LGM 概念。它证明异速生长测试是原始设计类型学和其他研究的逻辑前提。迄今为止,北美大多数此类性质的末次盛世研究都涉及古印第安人的凹槽点。我们使用 LGM 和补充减少措施测试 COADS 柯克点(一种古老类型)的异速生长。 MorphoJ 和有限的gmshiny分析表明具有相当高模块化的强异速生长信号;叶片形状比茎形状随尺寸的变化要大得多,这已通过独立测量得到证实。单独对茎的分析表明不存在异速生长,正如预期的那样,因为茎在重磨方面变化很小。在将整个物体形状的变化归因于适应、漂移或其他机制之前,必须考虑异速生长。
