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Report of the ABAI Task Force on Contingent Electric Skin Shock
Perspectives on Behavior Science ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s40614-023-00379-w
Michael Perone 1 , Dorothea C Lerman 2 , Stephanie M Peterson 3 , Dean C Williams 4

As a task force appointed by the Executive Council of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), we investigated the clinical use of contingent electric skin shock (CESS) in behavior analytic treatments for severe problem behavior. We studied how CESS is used in contemporary behavior analysis, reinforcement-based alternatives to CESS, and current ethical and professional guidelines for applied behavior analysts. We recommended that ABAI uphold clients’ right to receive CESS when it is restricted to extreme cases and used under rigorous professional and legal oversight. Our recommendation was rejected by a vote of the full members of ABAI, who instead endorsed an alternative recommendation, developed by members of the Executive Council, that opposed the use of CESS under any condition. Here we present for the record our report and initial recommendations, the formal statement that was rejected by the members of ABAI, and the statement that was endorsed.


ABAI 意外皮肤电击工作组的报告

作为国际行为分析协会 (ABAI) 执行委员会任命的工作组,我们研究了意外皮肤电击 (CESS) 在严重问题行为的行为分析治疗中的临床应用。我们研究了 CESS 在当代行为分析中的应用、基于强化的 CESS 替代方案以及当前应用行为分析师的道德和专业指南。我们建议,当 CESS 仅限于极端情况并在严格的专业和法律监督下使用时,ABAI 维护客户接收 CESS 的权利。我们的建议被 ABAI 正式成员投票否决,他们转而支持执行理事会成员提出的替代建议,反对在任何情况下使用 CESS。在此,我们提交了我们的报告和初步建议、被 ABAI 成员拒绝的正式声明以及获得认可的声明,以供记录。
