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On the pathways. Inter-nodal archaeology in the Atacama desert Pampa (c. 7000 BP-400 BP)
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101526
Gonzalo Pimentel G. , Mariana Ugarte F. , José F. Blanco , Claudia Montero-Poblete , Juan Gili , Javier Arévalo , Francisco Gallardo , Christina M. Torres , William J. Pestle

We present a synthesis of our investigation into pre-Hispanic pathways of the Atacama Desert Pampa -one of the driest and harshest environments on our planet- where we have identified a variety of mobility strategies and dynamics deployed by the different communities that inhabited both the Pacific coast and the inland oases of this region. Specifically, we focus on the inter-nodal archaeological and biogeochemical data that provides direct evidence of the presence of individuals from myriad regions traversing this area from the Middle Archaic to Late periods (c. 7000 BP-400 BP). Moreover, we analyze how, beginning in the Formative Period, this multiplicity of peoples employed different mobility systems, circulation, relationships, and social exchanges to integrate this apparent “empty space”. In doing so, we discuss and reformulate the classic highland caravanning model of the Andes, which considered highland caravanning groups as the only agents promoting long-distance mobility and exchange.


在小路上。阿塔卡马沙漠潘帕的节间考古学(约 7000 BP-400 BP)

我们综合介绍了我们对阿塔卡马沙漠潘帕的前西班牙裔路径的调查——地球上最干燥和最严酷的环境之一——我们在那里确定了居住在太平洋地区的不同社区部署的各种流动战略和动态该地区的海岸和内陆绿洲。具体来说,我们专注于节间考古和生物地球化学数据,这些数据提供了从中古风到晚期穿越该地区的无数地区的个体存在的直接证据(c 7000 BP-400 BP)。此外,我们还分析了从形成期开始,这群人如何利用不同的流动系统、流通、关系和社会交流来整合这个明显的“空白空间”。在此过程中,我们讨论并重新制定了安第斯山脉经典的高地商队模型,该模型将高地商队视为促进长途流动和交流的唯一代理人。
