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Reversible Stacking of 2D ZnIn2S4 Atomic Layers for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
Small ( IF 13.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-16 , DOI: 10.1002/smll.202303821
Liqin Wu 1 , Mingjie Li 1 , Biao Zhou 1 , Shuang Xu 1 , Ligang Yuan 1 , Jianwu Wei 1 , Jiarong Wang 1 , Shibing Zou 1 , Weiguang Xie 2 , Yongcai Qiu 1 , Mumin Rao 3 , Guangxu Chen 1 , Liming Ding 4 , Keyou Yan 1

It is technically challenging to reversibly tune the layer number of 2D materials in the solution. Herein, a facile concentration modulation strategy is demonstrated to reversibly tailor the aggregation state of 2D ZnIn2S4 (ZIS) atomic layers, and they are implemented for effective photocatalytic hydrogen (H2) evolution. By adjusting the colloidal concentration of ZIS (ZIS-X, X = 0.09, 0.25, or 3.0 mg mL−1), ZIS atomic layers exhibit the significant aggregation of (006) facet stacking in the solution, leading to the bandgap shift from 3.21 to 2.66 eV. The colloidal stacked layers are further assembled into hollow microsphere after freeze-drying the solution into solid powders, which can be redispersed into colloidal solution with reversibility. The photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of ZIS-X colloids is evaluated, and the slightly aggregated ZIS-0.25 displays the enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution rates (1.11 µmol m−2 h−1). The charge-transfer/recombination dynamics are characterized by time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy, and ZIS-0.25 displays the longest lifetime (5.55 µs), consistent with the best photocatalytic performance. This work provides a facile, consecutive, and reversible strategy for regulating the photo-electrochemical properties of 2D ZIS, which is beneficial for efficient solar energy conversion.


二维 ZnIn2S4 原子层可逆堆叠增强光催化析氢

在解决方案中可逆地调整二维材料的层数在技术上具有挑战性。在此,证明了一种简便的浓度调制策略可以可逆地调整2D ZnIn 2 S 4 (ZIS)原子层的聚集状态,并且它们被实施以有效地光催化析氢(H 2 )。通过调整ZIS的胶体浓度(ZIS- XX = 0.09、0.25或3.0 mg mL -1),ZIS原子层在溶液中表现出(006)面堆积的显着聚集,导致带隙从3.21偏移至 2.66 eV。将溶液冷冻干燥成固体粉末后,胶体堆叠层进一步组装成空心微球,可以可逆地重新分散到胶体溶液中。对ZIS- X胶体的光催化析氢进行了评估,轻微聚集的ZIS-0.25显示出增强的光催化析氢速率(1.11 µmol m -2 h -1)。电荷转移/复合动力学通过时间分辨光致发光 (TRPL) 光谱进行表征,ZIS-0.25 显示出最长的寿命 (5.55 µs),与最佳的光催化性能一致。这项工作为调节 2D ZIS 的光电化学特性提供了一种简便、连续、可逆的策略,有利于高效的太阳能转换。