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Identity salience: An intersectional approach to understanding multicultural processes and outcomes in psychotherapy.
Journal of Counseling Psychology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-15 , DOI: 10.1037/cou0000688
Christopher Anders 1 , D Martin Kivlighan 1

A growing body of research has demonstrated the importance of therapists' multicultural orientation (MCO), namely, their cultural humility (CH), cultural comfort, and cultural missed opportunities, on treatment processes and outcomes (Davis et al., 2018). However, to date, few research has attempted to identify client factors that may moderate the relationship between therapists' MCO and therapeutic processes and outcomes. Informed by Yakushko et al.'s (2009) identity salience model, this study seeks to advance the MCO literature by examining the saliency of clients' cultural identities, therapists' MCO, and improvement in therapy. Data for this study consisted of 193 individuals who had received at least five sessions of psychotherapy in the last 6 months and responded to an online survey about their experience in therapy. Moderated polynomial regression and response surface analysis was used to examine if the relationship between therapists' MCO and clients' perceived improvement in psychotherapy differed as a function of the salience of clients' first and second most important cultural identities. The results indicated that when clients report only one highly salient cultural identity and perceive their therapist high in cultural humility, they report high levels of improvement. In contrast, when clients reported two highly salient identities, cultural humility and improvement in therapy were not significantly related. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).



越来越多的研究表明,治疗师的多元文化取向(MCO),即他们的文化谦逊(CH)、文化舒适度和文化错失机会,对治疗过程和结果的重要性(Davis 等,2018)。然而,迄今为止,很少有研究试图确定可能调节治疗师的 MCO 与治疗过程和结果之间关系的客户因素。根据 Yakushko 等人 (2009) 的身份显着性模型,本研究旨在通过检查客户文化身份的显着性、治疗师的 MCO 和治疗的改进来推进 MCO 文献。这项研究的数据包括 193 名个人,他们在过去 6 个月内接受了至少 5 次心理治疗,并对有关他们治疗经历的在线调查做出了回应。使用调节多项式回归和反应面分析来检查治疗师的 MCO 与客户在心理治疗中感知的改善之间的关系是否因客户的第一和第二最重要的文化身份的显着性而有所不同。结果表明,当来访者仅报告一种高度显着的文化身份并认为他们的治疗师具有高度的文化谦逊时,他们就会报告说有很高的进步。相比之下,当来访者报告两个高度显着的身份时,文化谦逊和治疗的改善并没有显着相关。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2023 APA,保留所有权利)。