染色体碎裂是一条(或几条)染色体1的破碎和不完美的重新组装,是一种普遍存在的2突变过程,产生局部且复杂的染色体重排,从而驱动癌症中的基因组进化。有丝分裂3,4或 DNA 代谢中的错误分离错误5,6,7可能会引发染色体碎裂,导致染色体被困在微核内,并随后在下一个间期或有丝分裂进入后碎裂6,8,9,10 。在这里,我们使用诱导型降解决定子来证明,在有丝分裂中,通过由 DNA 损伤检查点 1 (MDC1) 介质、DNA 拓扑异构酶 II 结合蛋白 1 (TOPBP1) 和 DNA 拓扑异构酶 II 结合蛋白 1 (TOPBP1) 和PP2A (CIP2A),从而能够集体分离到同一子细胞。这种束缚被证明对于在纺锤体组装检查点短暂失活后经历染色体错误分离和破碎的细胞的生存能力至关重要。染色体微核依赖性染色体破碎后,降解决定子诱导的 CIP2A 瞬时减少被证明可驱动片段缺失和倒位的获得。对全癌肿瘤基因组的分析表明,在具有基因组重排(包括具有最小缺失的拷贝数中性染色体碎裂)的癌症中,CIP2A 和 TOPBP1 的表达总体上增加,但在具有频繁缺失的经典染色体碎裂的癌症中,CIP2A 和 TOPBP1 的表达相对减少。 因此,染色质结合链保持破碎染色体片段的接近性,使其能够重新封装到子细胞核中并在子细胞核内重新连接,形成大多数人类癌症中发现的可遗传的、染色体重排的染色体。
Mitotic tethering enables inheritance of shattered micronuclear chromosomes
Chromothripsis, the shattering and imperfect reassembly of one (or a few) chromosome(s)1, is an ubiquitous2 mutational process generating localized and complex chromosomal rearrangements that drive genome evolution in cancer. Chromothripsis can be initiated by mis-segregation errors in mitosis3,4 or DNA metabolism5,6,7 that lead to entrapment of chromosomes within micronuclei and their subsequent fragmentation in the next interphase or following mitotic entry6,8,9,10. Here we use inducible degrons to demonstrate that chromothriptically produced pieces of a micronucleated chromosome are tethered together in mitosis by a protein complex consisting of mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1 (MDC1), DNA topoisomerase II-binding protein 1 (TOPBP1) and cellular inhibitor of PP2A (CIP2A), thereby enabling en masse segregation to the same daughter cell. Such tethering is shown to be crucial for the viability of cells undergoing chromosome mis-segregation and shattering after transient inactivation of the spindle assembly checkpoint. Transient, degron-induced reduction in CIP2A following chromosome micronucleation-dependent chromosome shattering is shown to drive acquisition of segmental deletions and inversions. Analyses of pancancer tumour genomes showed that expression of CIP2A and TOPBP1 was increased overall in cancers with genomic rearrangements, including copy number-neutral chromothripsis with minimal deletions, but comparatively reduced in cancers with canonical chromothripsis in which deletions were frequent. Thus, chromatin-bound tethers maintain the proximity of fragments of a shattered chromosome enabling their re-encapsulation into, and religation within, a daughter cell nucleus to form heritable, chromothriptically rearranged chromosomes found in the majority of human cancers.