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Infrastructuring European scientific integration: Heterogeneous meanings of the European biobanking infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC.
Social Studies of Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-12 , DOI: 10.1177/03063127231162629
Erik Aarden 1

While transnational research infrastructure projects long preceded the formal integration process that created the European Union, their advancement is an increasingly central part of EU research policy and of European integration in general. This paper analyses the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure-European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) as a recent example of institutionalized scientific collaboration in Europe that has formally been established as part of EU science policy. BBMRI-ERIC, a network of European biobanks, is expected to contribute to both European science and European integration. Yet its achievements in these domains are interpreted differently by various actors involved. This paper draws on STS conceptualizations of infrastructures as relational, experimental, and promissory assemblages. These support the formulation of a working definition of research infrastructures that in turn helps to explore the heterogeneous meanings attributed to BBMRI-ERIC. The paper describes the creation of this distributed European research infrastructure, and divergent understandings of what it means for BBMRI-ERIC to be distributed, to be European and to be a research infrastructure. This analysis demonstrates how building a research infrastructure is also an effort to define what it means to be European-a process in which what is European about science and what science can do for Europe is continuously (re-)imagined, contested and negotiated.


欧洲科学一体化基础设施:欧洲生物样本库基础设施 BBMRI-ERIC 的异质含义。

虽然跨国研究基础设施项目早在创建欧盟的正式一体化进程之前就已开始,但它们的进步日益成为欧盟研究政策和整个欧洲一体化的核心部分。本文分析了生物样本库和生物分子资源研究基础设施-欧洲研究基础设施联盟 (BBMRI-ERIC),作为欧洲制度化科学合作的最新例子,该合作已正式建立为欧盟科学政策的一部分。BBMRI-ERIC 是欧洲生物样本库网络,预计将为欧洲科学和欧洲一体化做出贡献。然而,不同的参与者对它在这些领域取得的成就有不同的解读。本文借鉴了 STS 将基础设施概念化为关系性、实验性和承诺性组合的概念。这些支持制定研究基础设施的工作定义,进而有助于探索 BBMRI-ERIC 的异质含义。该论文描述了这种分布式欧洲研究基础设施的创建,以及对 BBMRI-ERIC 分布式、欧洲化和研究基础设施意味着什么的不同理解。这一分析表明,建设研究基础设施也是一种定义欧洲意义的努力——在这个过程中,科学的欧洲意义以及科学能为欧洲做什么,是不断地(重新)想象、争论和谈判的。