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Bringing Assessment-to-Instruction (A2i) Technology to Scale: Exploring the Process from Development to Implementation.
Journal of Educational Psychology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-08 , DOI: 10.1037/edu0000758
Carol McDonald Connor 1 , Henry May 2 , Nicole Sparapani 3 , Jin Kyoung Hwang 1 , Ashley Adams 1 , Taffeta S Wood 1 , Sarah Siegal 4 , Cassidy Wolfe 1 , Stephanie Day 1

Bringing effective, research-based literacy interventions into the classroom is challenging, especially given the cultural and linguistic diversity of today's classrooms. We examined the promise of Assessment-to-Instruction (A2i) technology redesigned to be used at scale to support teachers' implementation of the individualized student instruction (ISI) intervention from kindergarten through third grade. In seven randomized controlled trials, A2i and ISI have demonstrated efficacy. However, the research version of A2i was not scalable. In order to bring A2i to scale in schools serving linguistically diverse students, we carried out the current study across two phases. This study represents both an exploration of what it takes to bring an educational intervention to scale (Phase 1) and a quasi-experiment on the literacy outcomes of learners whose teachers used the technology (Phase 2). We integrated assessments of vocabulary, word decoding, and reading comprehension; revised the A2i algorithms to account for the constellation of skills English learners (ELs) bring to the classroom; updated the user interfaces and added new graphic features; and improved bandwidth and stability of the technology. Findings were mixed, including several non-significant results, a marginally significant intent-to-treat effect on word reading in kindergarten and first grade for English monolingual students and ELs, and one significant interaction effect, which suggested ELs and students with less developed reading skills in second and third grade benefitted most from the intervention. With some caution, we conclude that A2i demonstrates potential to be used at scale and promise of effectiveness for improving code-focused skills for diverse learners.


将评估教学 (A2i) 技术规模化:探索从开发到实施的过程。

将有效的、基于研究的读写能力干预措施引入课堂具有挑战性,特别是考虑到当今课堂的文化和语言多样性。我们研究了重新设计的评估教学 (A2i) 技术的前景,该技术旨在大规模使用,以支持教师实施从幼儿园到三年级的个性化学生教学 (ISI) 干预。在七项随机对照试验中,A2i 和 ISI 已证明有效。然而,A2i 的研究版本不可扩展。为了在为语言多样化的学生提供服务的学校中扩大 A2i 的规模,我们分两个阶段进行了当前的研究。这项研究既是对如何扩大教育干预规模的探索(第一阶段),也是对教师使用该技术的学习者读写能力成果的准实验(第二阶段)。我们整合了词汇量、单词解码和阅读理解的评估;修改了 A2i 算法,以考虑英语学习者 (EL) 带到课堂上的技能;更新了用户界面并添加了新的图形功能;并提高了技术的带宽和稳定性。结果好坏参半,包括几项不显着的结果、对幼儿园和一年级英语单语学生和 EL 的单词阅读有轻微显着的意向治疗效应,以及一个显着的交互效应,这表明 EL 和阅读能力较差的学生二年级和三年级的技能从干预中受益最多。谨慎地说,我们得出的结论是,A2i 展示了大规模使用的潜力,并有望有效提高不同学习者以代码为中心的技能。