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Secular craton evolution due to cyclic deformation of underlying dense mantle lithosphere
Nature Geoscience ( IF 15.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41561-023-01203-5
Yaoyi Wang , Zebin Cao , Lihang Peng , Lijun Liu , Ling Chen , Craig Lundstrom , Diandian Peng , Xiaotao Yang

The cratonic crust is the most long-lived tectonic unit on Earth. The longevity of Earth’s cratonic crust has been attributed to neutrally buoyant and mechanically strong lithospheric keels. However, this is inconsistent with observed secular cratonic deformation and alteration. Here we analyse the density profile and dynamic evolution of the lithospheric mantle underlying cratons to show that cratonic lithosphere may have experienced continuous and cyclic deformation and evolution since the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent ~800 million years ago. We find that the thickness of cratonic crust correlates linearly with that of the mantle lithosphere, suggesting coupled evolution. Seismic evidence for depth-dependent radial anisotropy implies that the dense lower cratonic lithosphere experienced pervasive vertical deformation consistent with delamination. Geologic data and azimuthal anisotropy further suggest repeated post-Rodinia thinning of cratonic lithosphere followed by gradual restabilization of the perturbed lower lithosphere. Geodynamic simulations support our interpretation that partial lithospheric delamination, potentially triggered by plume underplating, can generate rapid surface uplift and erosion, with subsequent lithospheric stabilization leading to gradual craton subsidence. We propose that Earth’s long-lived cratons have been maintained by this cyclic deformation style since the Neoproterozoic.



克拉通地壳是地球上寿命最长的构造单元。地球克拉通地壳的长寿归因于中性浮力和机械强度高的岩石圈龙骨。然而,这与观察到的长期克拉通变形和蚀变不一致。在这里,我们分析了克拉通下的岩石圈地幔的密度剖面和动态演化,表明克拉通岩石圈可能自 8 亿年前罗迪尼亚超大陆破裂以来经历了连续和循环的变形和演化。我们发现克拉通地壳的厚度与地幔岩石圈的厚度呈线性相关,表明耦合演化。与深度相关的径向各向异性的地震证据表明,致密的下克拉通岩石圈经历了与分层相一致的普遍垂直变形。地质数据和方位角各向异性进一步表明,克拉通岩石圈在罗迪尼亚后反复变薄,随后受扰动的下部岩石圈逐渐重新稳定。地球动力学模拟支持我们的解释,即可能由羽流底侵引发的部分岩石圈分层可以产生快速的表面隆起和侵蚀,随后岩石圈稳定导致克拉通逐渐下沉。我们认为,自新元古代以来,地球上长期存在的克拉通一直由这种循环变形方式维持。地质数据和方位角各向异性进一步表明,克拉通岩石圈在罗迪尼亚后反复变薄,随后受扰动的下部岩石圈逐渐重新稳定。地球动力学模拟支持我们的解释,即可能由羽流底侵引发的部分岩石圈分层可以产生快速的表面隆起和侵蚀,随后岩石圈稳定导致克拉通逐渐下沉。我们认为,自新元古代以来,地球上长期存在的克拉通一直由这种循环变形方式维持。地质数据和方位角各向异性进一步表明,克拉通岩石圈在罗迪尼亚后反复变薄,随后受扰动的下部岩石圈逐渐重新稳定。地球动力学模拟支持我们的解释,即可能由羽流底侵引发的部分岩石圈分层可以产生快速的表面隆起和侵蚀,随后岩石圈稳定导致克拉通逐渐下沉。我们认为,自新元古代以来,地球上长期存在的克拉通一直由这种循环变形方式维持。随后的岩石圈稳定导致克拉通逐渐下沉。我们认为,自新元古代以来,地球上长期存在的克拉通一直由这种循环变形方式维持。随后的岩石圈稳定导致克拉通逐渐下沉。我们认为,自新元古代以来,地球上长期存在的克拉通一直由这种循环变形方式维持。
