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The impact of growth mindset training on entrepreneurial action among necessity entrepreneurs: Evidence from a randomized control trial
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1472
Shad Morris 1 , Chad Carlos 1 , Geoffrey M. Kistruck 2 , Robert B. Lount 3 , Tumsifu Elly Thomas 4

Although entrepreneurship training programs are designed to help necessity entrepreneurs acquire skills and capabilities to take entrepreneurial action, participants in these programs often fail to do so. In partnership with a local government agency, we conducted a randomized field experiment involving 165 entrepreneurs in rural Tanzania where in addition to providing technical-skills training, approximately half of the participants also received “growth mindset” psychological training. Those who received the growth mindset training displayed more entrepreneurial action in their business than those in the control group. Importantly, higher levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy mediated the positive impact on entrepreneurial action displayed by participants who received the growth mindset training. We discuss how complementing traditional technical-based training with growth mindset training can improve the efficacy of entrepreneurship training programs.



尽管创业培训项目旨在帮助必要的企业家获得采取创业行动的技能和能力,但这些项目的参与者往往无法做到这一点。我们与当地政府机构合作,对坦桑尼亚农村地区的 165 名企业家进行了随机实地实验,除了提供技术技能培训外,大约一半的参与者还接受了“成长心态”心理培训。那些接受成长心态培训的人比对照组的人在他们的企业中表现出更多的创业行动。重要的是,接受成长心态培训的参与者的更高水平的创业自我效能感对创业行动产生了积极影响。