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Lifetime Prediction of Lithium Ion Batteries by Using the Heterogeneity of Graphite Anodes
ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00695
Minsoo Kim 1 , Inwoo Kim 1 , Jisub Kim 1 , Jang Wook Choi 1, 2

Lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles demand high-level monitoring of their safety and long-term cyclability. To this end, identifying defective cells at the postmanufacturing stage would be the most effective approach. Here, we introduce the lithiation heterogeneity as a key descriptor for inspecting and grading as-manufactured cylindrical cells. Specifically, the peak intensity of the differential voltage (DV) profile during charge provides a quantitative indication of the heterogeneity of lithium ion intercalation into graphite, in relation to the staging effect of the graphite anode. The degree of heterogeneity determined by the DV profile is closely correlated with the cycle life, implying that the heterogeneity analysis can serve as a useful tool for inspecting as-manufactured cells and predicting their cycle life at an early stage. Moreover, the ability to accurately grade as-manufactured cells allows a high-performance battery module to be built by integrating cells with low heterogeneity and minor deviations in their performance.



电动汽车用锂离子电池需要对其安全性和长期循环性能进行高水平监控。为此,在制造后阶段识别有缺陷的电池将是最有效的方法。在这里,我们引入锂化异质性作为检查和分级制造的圆柱形电池的关键描述符。具体而言,充电期间差分电压 (DV) 曲线的峰值强度提供了与石墨阳极的分级效应相关的锂离子嵌入石墨的异质性的定量指示。DV曲线确定的异质性程度与循环寿命密切相关,这意味着异质性分析可以作为检查制造的细胞并在早期预测其循环寿命的有用工具。