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High-throughput RNA isoform sequencing using programmed cDNA concatenation
Nature Biotechnology ( IF 33.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 , DOI: 10.1038/s41587-023-01815-7
Aziz M Al'Khafaji 1 , Jonathan T Smith 1 , Kiran V Garimella 1 , Mehrtash Babadi 1 , Victoria Popic 1 , Moshe Sade-Feldman 1, 2 , Michael Gatzen 1 , Siranush Sarkizova 1 , Marc A Schwartz 1, 3, 4, 5 , Emily M Blaum 1, 2 , Allyson Day 1 , Maura Costello 1 , Tera Bowers 1 , Stacey Gabriel 1 , Eric Banks 1 , Anthony A Philippakis 1 , Genevieve M Boland 6 , Paul C Blainey 1, 7, 8 , Nir Hacohen 1, 2, 9, 10

Full-length RNA-sequencing methods using long-read technologies can capture complete transcript isoforms, but their throughput is limited. We introduce multiplexed arrays isoform sequencing (MAS-ISO-seq), a technique for programmably concatenating complementary DNAs (cDNAs) into molecules optimal for long-read sequencing, increasing the throughput >15-fold to nearly 40 million cDNA reads per run on the Sequel IIe sequencer. When applied to single-cell RNA sequencing of tumor-infiltrating T cells, MAS-ISO-seq demonstrated a 12- to 32-fold increase in the discovery of differentially spliced genes.


使用程序化 cDNA 串联进行高通量 RNA 同工型测序

使用长读长技术的全长 RNA 测序方法可以捕获完整的转录本亚型,但其通量有限。我们引入了多重阵列同工型测序 (MAS-ISO-seq),这是一种以可编程方式将互补 DNA (cDNA) 连接到最适合长读长测序的分子中的技术,可将通量提高 15 倍以上,每次运行可读取近 4000 万个 cDNA 读长。 Sequel IIe 测序仪。当应用于肿瘤浸润 T 细胞的单细胞 RNA 测序时,MAS-ISO-seq 发现差异剪接基因的发现增加了 12 至 32 倍。
