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Integrative taxonomy of Anoplogaster cornuta (Trachichthyiformes, Anoplogastridae) from western North Atlantic: new insights
Marine Biodiversity ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12526-023-01352-1
Rafael Bañón , José Luis del Río , Juan Carlos Arronte , Alejandro de Carlos

A taxonomic revision of Anoplogaster cornuta (Trachichthyiformes, Anoplogastridae) based on specimens from the western North Atlantic is presented. Nineteen specimens were captured on Flemish Cap, western North Atlantic, by scientific surveys. Identification was carried out by integrative taxonomy, combining examination of morphological and molecular characters (DNA barcoding). Morphological examination confirmed several hitherto questionable taxonomic characters of the species, such as the presence of 8–9 branchiostegal rays and 3–5 fang-like teeth on the lower jaw. As a result of the molecular analysis, 19 new sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 COI were added to molecular repositories. DNA barcoding supports the morphological identification of the specimens of A. cornuta from the western North Atlantic, and it also confirms the current status of a single species with a worldwide distribution. The combination of classical and molecular taxonomy has been useful for the delimitation and characterization of this deepwater species, contributing to a better understanding of its intraspecific morphological and molecular variability.


北大西洋西部 Anoplogaster cornuta(Trachichthyiformes,Anoplogastridae)的综合分类学:新见解

介绍了基于北大西洋西部标本的Anoplogaster cornuta (Trachichthyiformes,Anoplogastridae)的分类修订版。通过科学调查,在北大西洋西部的弗拉芒角捕获了 19 个标本。通过综合分类法进行鉴定,结合形态学和分子特征(DNA条形码)检查。形态学检查证实了该物种的几个迄今为止值得怀疑的分类学特征,例如下颌有 8-9 个鳃骨射线和 3-5 个尖牙状牙齿。作为分子分析的结果,19 个新的细胞色素 c 氧化酶亚基 1 COI序列被添加到分子库中。DNA条形码支持标本的形态学鉴定来自北大西洋西部的A. cornuta,它也证实了全球分布的单一物种的现状。经典分类学和分子分类学的结合有助于这种深水物种的划界和表征,有助于更好地了解其种内形态和分子变异性。
