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Heterogeneous Effects of Obesity on Life Expectancy: A Global Perspective
Annual Review of Resource Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-022823-033521
Sangeeta Bansal 1 , Yanhong Jin 2

Based on an extensive literature review and publicly available data, this article provides insights into the differences in prevalence, sociodemographics, contributing factors, socioeconomic consequences, health effects, and public policies related to obesity between developed and developing countries. Most importantly, it explores the relationship between obesity and life expectancy and identifies potential mechanisms through which obesity affects mortality, highlighting the differences between developed and developing countries and by gender. It also examines how the associations between obesity and life expectancy differ at the population level compared with the individual level. The evidence shows a negative association between obesity and longevity, as well as an increased risk of various diseases with the rising rates of obesity. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the heterogeneous effects of obesity on life expectancy between developed and developing countries and by gender. The article also discusses the effectiveness of various policies adopted to address obesity and provides suggestions to address obesity problems and improve health and well-being in these countries.