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A direct Z-scheme Bi2WO6/La2Ti2O7 Photocatalyst for Selective Reduction of CO2 to CO
Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-4-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cjsc.2023.100010
Jianxiong Chen, Lichao Lin, Peiling Lin, Lujiang Xiao, Lingqian Zhang, Ying Lu, Wenyue Su*

A direct Z-scheme Bi2WO6/La2Ti2O7 photocatalyst is successfully synthesized by electrostatic self-assembly method. The selectivity of CO2 reduction to CO is improved from 74% of La2Ti2O7 to nearly 100%, and the CO yield is 7.5 times that of individual La2Ti2O7. This work provides a new insight for the construction of efficient photocatalyst for selective reduction of CO2 to CO.


用于将 CO2 选择性还原为 CO 的直接 Z 型 Bi2WO6/La2Ti2O7 光催化剂

采用静电自组装法成功合成了直接 Z 型 Bi2WO6/La2Ti2O7 光催化剂。CO2还原为CO的选择性从La2Ti2O7的74%提高到近100%,CO产率是单独La2Ti2O7的7.5倍。这项工作为构建用于将 CO2 选择性还原为 CO 的高效光催化剂提供了新的思路。