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Shadows of the Thrown Spear: Girolamo Cardano on Anxiety, Dreams, and the Divine in Nature
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20230066
Jonathan Regier 1

Girolamo Cardano (1501–1576), a preeminent natural philosopher, physician and astrologer of the sixteenth century, is known for the great diversity of his intellectual pursuits and writings. Across much of his work, we find an overriding concern with the dangers of human life, how those dangers might be foreseen, and how their effects can be mitigated. This essay begins by considering the epistemic significance of anxiety as it is described in his autobiography, the De propria vita. When Cardano had devoted so much effort to working out method and sense in medicine and astrology, why do episodes of foreknowledge in the autobiography seem so haphazard and disorienting? I use this question to examine Cardano’s views on the possibilities and limits of human foreknowledge, paying special attention to his treatise on dreams, the Somniorum Synesiorum libri quatuor, and his commentary on Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos.


投掷长矛的阴影:吉罗拉莫·卡尔达诺 (Girolamo Cardano) 论焦虑、梦想和自然界的神性

吉罗拉莫·卡尔达诺(Girolamo Cardano,1501-1576 年)是 16 世纪杰出的自然哲学家、医生和占星家,以其丰富多样的知识追求和著作而闻名。在他的大部分作品中,我们发现了对人类生命危险、如何预见这些危险以及如何减轻其影响的压倒一切的关注。这篇文章首先考虑了焦虑在他的自传中所描述的认知意义,生命本身. 当卡尔达诺在医学和占星术中投入如此多的精力来制定方法和意义时,为什么自传中的预知情节看起来如此随意和令人迷惑?我用这个问题来考察卡尔达诺关于人类预知的可能性和局限性的观点,特别关注他关于梦的论文,Somniorum Synesiorum libri quatuor, 以及他对托勒密的评论四书.