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Recyclable photoluminescent elastomer incorporating carboxyl-functionalized fluorescent powder via dynamic covalent cross-linking
Polymer Composites ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-06 , DOI: 10.1002/pc.27446
Biao Xia 1 , Cheng Shi 1 , Zhou Li 1 , Tengfei Lin 1 , Min Gao 1 , Chunlin Zhao 1 , Xiao Wu 1 , Cong Lin 1 , Jinyun Wang 2

The rapid development of photochromic devices has stimulated great enthusiasm for the design and preparation of luminescent materials. Introducing fluorescent powder ZnS:Cu into the cross-linked polymer matrix is an efficient and simple method to obtain photochromic materials with excellent comprehensive performance. However, the traditional method is to directly introduce fluorescent powder into the polymer matrix by physical mixing. This not only increases the internal defects of the polymer and reduces the mechanical properties, but also hinders the fluorescent powder from absorbing external energy and reduces its luminescence efficiency. In addition, few studies have focused on recyclable photochromic luminescent materials. Inspired by dynamic covalent cross-linking technology, this paper first modified fluorescent powder with 3-mercaptopropionic acid and then introduced it into epoxy silicone rubber to prepare recyclable luminescent elastomer. Compared with traditional physical blending, the mechanical properties and luminescence performance of the covalently bonded luminescent elastomer were improved. Excellent mechanical properties and luminescence performance were maintained in multiple recycling processes. This paper provides a feasible and simple scheme for the preparation of recyclable luminescent elastomers, paving the way for the recycling and long-term utilization of photochromic luminescent materials.


