The European Physical Journal E ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-06 , DOI: 10.1140/epje/s10189-023-00295-6 Heinrich B Stuhrmann 1, 2
With the inauguration of the small-angle instrument D11 of the Institute Laue–Langevin (ILL) in September 1972 neutron scattering revolutionized methods of contrast variation. Very soon D11 was oversubscribed by proposals relying on isotopic substitution of hydrogen isotopes. At the same time in Oxford first experiments of polarised neutron diffraction from dynamic polarised protons in lanthanum magnesium nitrate crystals demonstrated the great utility of this approach. In the early eighties a new type of polarised target material led to a boom of contrast variation by nuclear polarisation. The new samples of frozen solutions of macromolecules lent themselves to small-angle scattering. Often in collaboration with research centres of High Energy Physics various groups in Europe and Japan started experiments of polarized neutron scattering from dynamic polarised protons. Techniques of NMR and EPR considerably enlarged the spectrum of nuclear contrast variation. This is shown with time-resolved polarised neutron scattering from dynamic polarized proton spins of a free radical and of tyrosyl doped catalase using D22 at the ILL.
Graphical abstract

动态极化核的极化中子散射 1972–2022
1972 年 9 月,劳厄-朗之万研究所 (ILL) 推出小角度仪器 D11,中子散射彻底改变了对比度变化的方法。很快,D11 就因氢同位素的同位素替代提案而被超额认购。与此同时,在牛津大学,硝酸镧镁晶体中动态偏振质子的偏振中子衍射实验首次证明了这种方法的巨大实用性。八十年代初,一种新型的极化靶材导致了核极化引起的对比度变化热潮。大分子冷冻溶液的新样品适合小角度散射。欧洲和日本的各个研究小组经常与高能物理研究中心合作,开始进行动态极化质子的极化中子散射实验。NMR 和 EPR 技术大大扩大了核对比变化的范围。这通过在 ILL 中使用 D22 的自由基和酪氨酰掺杂过氧化氢酶的动态偏振质子自旋的时间分辨偏振中子散射来显示。