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“My Heart Is a Piece of Stone”: Anxious Separations and Emotional Dislocations in British Correspondence from the Long Second World War
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-05 , DOI: 10.1017/jbr.2023.4
Penny Summerfield

Historians who write about emotion in wartime focus mainly on the experiences of front-line soldiers and of civilians under bombardment exposed to life-threatening events. However, in Britain in World War II, conscription, mobilization, and evacuation inflicted hugely disruptive separations on a large proportion of the population, and the emotions that they provoked have been under-examined. This paper excavates emotion in an unusually complete set of letters written by a British working-class couple between 1941 and 1946. Interpreting letter writing as a technology of the self, it explores their letter-writing practices and uses psychoanalytic theory to comprehend the anxieties that their letters document. Wartime and postwar separation, enforced by conscription, challenged their aspirations to a companionate marital style and added to the complexities of pregnancy and parenthood. The sickness and hospitalization of their baby in 1945–46, in the era before the establishment of the National Health Service, introduced a new dimension to separation. Occurring at a time when the couple were even further apart geographically than during the war itself and letters were the only regular means of connection, this trauma imposed massive marital and, particularly, maternal strain. By analyzing and contextualizing the increasingly fraught exchanges between a mother on her own and a man at the front line, this article throws new light on epistolary constructions of anxious separations and emotional dislocations in the long Second World War.



写战时情感的历史学家主要关注前线士兵和平民在遭受威胁生命的事件的炮击下的经历。然而,在第二次世界大战的英国,征兵、动员和疏散对很大一部分人口造成了巨大的破坏性分离,而他们激起的情绪却没有得到充分的审视。本文从一对英国工人阶级夫妇在 1941 年至 1946 年间所写的异常完整的信件中挖掘情感。将写信解释为一种自我技术,探索他们的写信实践,并使用精神分析理论来理解他们的焦虑。他们的信件文件。战时和战后的分离,由征兵强制执行,挑战了他们对伴侣式婚姻的渴望,并增加了怀孕和生育的复杂性。1945-46 年,在国家医疗服务体系建立之前的时代,他们的孩子生病和住院,为分离带来了新的维度。发生在这对夫妇在地理上比战争本身更远的时候,而信件是唯一的常规联系方式,这种创伤给婚姻带来了巨大的压力,尤其是母亲的压力。通过分析独立母亲与前线男性之间日益紧张的交流并将其置于背景中,本文对漫长的第二次世界大战中焦虑分离和情感错位的书信结构提出了新的见解。1945-46 年,在国家医疗服务体系建立之前的时代,他们的孩子生病和住院,为分离带来了新的维度。发生在这对夫妇在地理上比战争本身更远的时候,而信件是唯一的常规联系方式,这种创伤给婚姻带来了巨大的压力,尤其是母亲的压力。通过分析独立母亲与前线男性之间日益紧张的交流并将其置于背景中,本文对漫长的第二次世界大战中焦虑分离和情感错位的书信结构提出了新的见解。1945-46 年,在国家医疗服务体系建立之前的时代,他们的孩子生病和住院,为分离带来了新的维度。发生在这对夫妇在地理上比战争本身更远的时候,而信件是唯一的常规联系方式,这种创伤给婚姻带来了巨大的压力,尤其是母亲的压力。通过分析独立母亲与前线男性之间日益紧张的交流并将其置于背景中,本文对漫长的第二次世界大战中焦虑分离和情感错位的书信结构提出了新的见解。发生在这对夫妇在地理上比战争本身更远的时候,而信件是唯一的常规联系方式,这种创伤给婚姻带来了巨大的压力,尤其是母亲的压力。通过分析独立母亲与前线男性之间日益紧张的交流并将其置于背景中,本文对漫长的第二次世界大战中焦虑分离和情感错位的书信结构提出了新的见解。发生在这对夫妇在地理上比战争本身更远的时候,而信件是唯一的常规联系方式,这种创伤给婚姻带来了巨大的压力,尤其是母亲的压力。通过分析独立母亲与前线男性之间日益紧张的交流并将其置于背景中,本文对漫长的第二次世界大战中焦虑分离和情感错位的书信结构提出了新的见解。