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Nanoplastic uptake temporarily affects the pulsing behavior in ephyrae of the moon jellyfish Aurelia sp
Ecotoxicology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10646-023-02669-0
Elisa Costa 1 , Chiara Gambardella 1, 2 , Roberta Miroglio 1 , Michela Di Giannantonio 1, 3 , Silvia Lavorano 4 , Roberta Minetti 1 , Francesca Sbrana 5, 6 , Veronica Piazza 1 , Marco Faimali 1, 2 , Francesca Garaventa 1, 2

The aim of this study is to investigate for the first time the uptake and ecotoxicological effects of nanoplastics (NPs) in a marine cnidarian. Ephyrae of the moon jellyfish Aurelia sp. of different ages (0 and 7 days old) were exposed to negatively charged polystyrene NPs for 24 h; then, the uptake was assessed through traditional and novel techniques, namely microscopy and three-dimensional (3D) holotomography. Immobility and behavioral responses (frequency of pulsations) of ephyrae were also investigated to clarify if NP toxicity differed along the first life stages. NP uptake was observed in ephyrae thanks to the 3D technique. Such internalization did not affect survival, but it temporarily impaired the pulsation mode only in 0 day old ephyrae. This may be ascribed to the negative charged NPs, contributing to jellyfish behavioral alteration. These findings promote 3D holotomography as a suitable tool to detect NPs in marine organisms. Moreover, this study recommends the use of cnidarians of different ages to better assess NP ecotoxicological effects in these organisms, key components of the marine food web.

Graphical Abstract


纳米塑料的吸收暂时影响月水母 Aurelia sp 的翼藻的脉冲行为

本研究的目的是首次研究纳米塑料(NP)在海洋刺胞动物中的吸收和生态毒理学效应。月水母Aurelia sp. 的 Ephyrae。不同年龄(0 和 7 天)的婴儿暴露于带负电的环境中聚苯乙烯纳米粒子24小时;然后,通过传统和新颖的技术,即显微镜和三维(3D)全息摄影术来评估吸收情况。还研究了碟状体的不动性和行为反应(脉动频率),以阐明 NP 毒性在第一个生命阶段是否有所不同。通过 3D 技术,在碟状体中观察到 NP 的吸收。这种内化并不影响存活,但仅在 0 天龄的碟状体中暂时损害脉动模式。这可能归因于带负电荷的纳米颗粒,导致水母行为改变。这些发现促使 3D 全息摄影术成为检测海洋生物中纳米颗粒的合适工具。此外,本研究建议使用不同年龄的刺胞动物来更好地评估 NP 在这些生物体中的生态毒理学效应,

