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States of faḍl or stating faḍl: On the value of indebtedness for Iraqi exiles in Jordan
Economic Anthropology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-30 , DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12283
Abdulla Majeed

A condition of excess characterizes Iraqi exiles' everyday life in Jordan: excesses of waiting and anticipation, bureaucratic work, and aspirations for future benevolent governance. To grapple with this excess, they have had to develop strategies that render their lives in exile more manageable. Despite being hosted as “guests” of the Hashemite monarchy—an ambitious status evoking notions of pan-Arab solidarity and Arab traditions of hospitality—this status does not guarantee or grant them access to substantive citizenship rights. In light of this, Iraqi exiles who arrived in Jordan following the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 have often found themselves dependent on potentially injurious ways to navigate their presence. One of these strategies are relations and practices of faḍl, a form of exchange governed by a foreclosure of reciprocity and necessity of public recognition. Based on ethnographic fieldwork among what I refer to as the Iraqi exilic milieu in Jordan, this article examines how, in the absence and denial of expected forms of exchange, the circulation of stately faḍl and its cooptation by ordinary people articulate new notions and practices of valuable yet nevertheless wounding citizenship.


faḍl 或声明 faḍl 的国家:论约旦流亡伊拉克人的债务价值

过度的状态是伊拉克流亡者在约旦日常生活的特征:过度的等待和期待、官僚主义的工作以及对未来仁慈治理的渴望。为了解决这种过度的问题,他们必须制定策略,使他们的流亡生活变得更容易管理。尽管作为哈希姆君主国的“客人”受到接待——这是一种雄心勃勃的地位,唤起了泛阿拉伯团结和阿拉伯好客传统的观念——但这种地位并不能保证或赋予他们实质性的公民权利。有鉴于此,2003 年美国领导的入侵伊拉克后抵达约旦的伊拉克流亡者经常发现自己依赖潜在有害的方式来应对自己的存在。这些策略之一是faḍl的关系和实践,一种由互惠性和公众认可的必要性取消的交换形式。基于对我所说的约旦伊拉克流亡环境的人种学田野调查,本文探讨了在缺乏和否认预期交换形式的情况下,庄严的 faḍl 的流通及其被普通人的采用如何阐明新的观念实践宝贵但又伤害的公民身份。