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Isogenic human trophectoderm cells demonstrate the role of NDUFA4 and associated variants in ZIKV infection
iScience ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107001
Liuliu Yang 1, 2 , Yuling Han 1, 2 , Ting Zhou 1, 3 , Lauretta A Lacko 1 , Mohsan Saeed 4, 5, 6 , Christina Tan 1 , Ron Danziger 1 , Jiajun Zhu 1, 2 , Zeping Zhao 1, 2 , Clare Cahir 1 , Alice Maria Giani 1 , Yang Li 7 , Xue Dong 1 , Dorota Moroziewicz 8 , , Daniel Paull 8 , Zhengming Chen 9 , Aaron Zhong 3 , Scott A Noggle 8 , Charles M Rice 4 , Qibin Qi 7 , Todd Evans 1, 2 , Shuibing Chen 1, 2

Population-based genome-wide association studies (GWAS) normally require a large sample size, which can be labor intensive and costly. Recently, we reported a human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) array-based GWAS method, identifying NDUFA4 as a host factor for Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. In this study, we extended our analysis to trophectoderm cells, which constitute one of the major routes of mother-to-fetus transmission of ZIKV during pregnancy. We differentiated hiPSCs from various donors into trophectoderm cells. We then infected cells carrying loss of function mutations in NDUFA4, harboring risk versus non-risk alleles of SNPs (rs917172 and rs12386620) or having deletions in the NDUFA4 cis-regulatory region with ZIKV. We found that loss/reduction of NDUFA4 suppressed ZIKV infection in trophectoderm cells. This study validated our published hiPSC array-based system as a useful platform for GWAS and confirmed the role of NDUFA4 as a susceptibility locus for ZIKV in disease-relevant trophectoderm cells.


同基因人滋养外胚层细胞证明 NDUFA4 和相关变体在 ZIKV 感染中的作用

基于人群的全基因组关联研究 (GWAS) 通常需要较大的样本量,这可能是劳动密集型且成本高昂的。最近,我们报道了一种基于人诱导多能干细胞 (hiPSC) 阵列的 GWAS 方法,该方法确定 NDUFA4 是寨卡病毒 (ZIKV) 感染的宿主因子。在这项研究中,我们将分析扩展到滋养外胚层细胞,该细胞构成了妊娠期间 ZIKV 母婴传播的主要途径之一。我们将来自不同供体的 hiPSCs 分化为滋养外胚层细胞。然后,我们感染了携带 NDUFA4 功能丧失突变的细胞,与 SNP (rs917172 和 rs12386620) 的风险等位基因相比,这些细胞在 NDUFA4 顺式调节区具有缺失,并且 ZIKV 具有 ZIKV。我们发现 NDUFA4 的缺失/减少抑制了滋养外胚层细胞中的 ZIKV 感染。本研究验证了我们发表的基于 hiPSC 阵列的系统作为 GWAS 的有用平台,并证实了 NDUFA4 作为疾病相关滋养外胚层细胞中 ZIKV 易感位点的作用。