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Mapping human mobility and analyzing spatial memory: palimpsest landscapes of movement in the Gobi-Altai Mountains, Mongolia
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2023.101516
Cecilia Dal Zovo , César Parcero-Oubiña , A. César González-García , Alejandro Güimil-Fariña

The significance of local spatial choices and memory and their impact on mobility networks is scarcely recognised in Mongolian archaeology. Here, we present a mapping strategy aimed at disentangling the landscapes of movement and investigating the materiality that accumulated in the palimpsest of the Ikh Bogd Uul Mountain (Bayankhongor, Mongolia).

Based on an integrated and diachronic approach, our analysis encompasses a variety of strategies and sources: satellite imagery and historical cartography, a rescaling of the research area and path-centered fieldwork, which we conceptualize as 'linear’ survey. We document Late Prehistoric mounds as well as ‘modern’ springs, pastoral campsites, and paths. They are interpreted as landscape-objects associated with persistent mobility patterns and the construction of local knowledge and identity – in the sense of a nutag or homeland.

This study thus contributes to expanding the archaeological information available for a remote and scarcely investigated area and enriching the archaeological approach to a complex and highly mobile context over time. It also offers new insights into how ancient mobility contributed to shaping the local landscapes of movement, both in terms of seasonal pastoral shifts and long-distance networks in the Mongolian and Central Eurasian Late Prehistory and afterwards.



当地空间选择和记忆的重要性及其对移动网络的影响在蒙古考古学中鲜为人知。在这里,我们提出了一种制图策略,旨在解开运动景观并调查在 Ikh Bogd Uul 山(蒙古巴彦洪戈尔)最重写本中积累的物质性。


