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Exploiting a heterologous construction of the 3-hydroxypropionic acid carbon fixation pathway with mesaconate as an indicator in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Bioresources and Bioprocessing ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-24 , DOI: 10.1186/s40643-023-00652-5
Shijie Xu 1 , Weibo Qiao 1 , Zuanwen Wang 1 , Xiaoying Fu 1 , Zihe Liu 1 , Shuobo Shi 1

The 3-Hydroxypropionic acid (3-HP) pathway is one of the six known natural carbon fixation pathways, in which the carbon species used is bicarbonate. It has been considered to be the most suitable pathway for aerobic CO2 fixation among the six natural carbon fixation pathways. Mesaconate is a high value-added derivative in the 3-HP pathway and can be used as a co-monomer to produce fire-retardant materials and hydrogels. In this study, we use mesaconate as a reporting compound to evaluate the construction and optimization of the sub-part of the 3-HP pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Combined with fine-tuning of the malonyl-CoA reductase (MCR-C and MCR-N) expression level and optimization of 3-Hydroxypropionyl-CoA synthase, the 3-HP sub-pathway was optimized using glucose or ethanol as the substrate, with the productions of mesaconate reaching 90.78 and 61.2 mg/L, respectively.

Graphical Abstract


利用中康酸作为酿酒酵母指示剂的 3-羟基丙酸碳固定途径的异源构建

3-羟基丙酸(3-HP)途径是六种已知的天然碳固定途径之一,其中使用的碳种类是碳酸氢盐。它被认为是六种天然碳固定途径中最适合有氧CO 2固定的途径。 Mesaconate是3-HP途径中的高附加值衍生物,可用作生产阻燃材料和水凝胶的共聚单体。在本研究中,我们使用中康酸作为报告化合物来评估酿酒酵母中 3-HP 途径子部分的构建和优化。结合丙二酰辅酶A还原酶(MCR-C和MCR-N)表达水平的微调和3-羟基丙酰辅酶A合酶的优化,以葡萄糖或乙醇为底物优化3-HP子通路,中康酸产量分别达到90.78和61.2mg/L。

