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Digitalisation of Indian smart cities: post-Covid-19 approaches to data, recognition and health monitoring
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-25 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsad010
Sneha Krishnan 1, 2

There is a proliferation of digitalisation of urban and health services in India under the Smart City and Digital Health missions, respectively. This study brings digital and feminist geographies together to understand the role of technologies in urban areas, particularly in health service delivery and how healthcare workers mediate these health platforms. Using a case study of Varanasi city in Uttar Pradesh, India this study documents whether—and to what extent—digital technologies and services enable citizens and service providers to access and improve their lived experiences. The findings indicate a top-down, innovation-focussed model is adopted which excludes and alienates different user groups and citizens shaping their interaction and access to these services.


印度智慧城市的数字化:Covid-19 后的数据、识别和健康监测方法
