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New Raman measurements for H2O ice VII in the range of 300 cm−1 to 4000 cm−1 at pressures up to 120 GPa
The Journal of Chemical Physics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-29 12:38:15 , DOI: 10.1063/1.4963320
Chang-Sheng Zha 1 , John S. Tse 2 , William A. Bassett 3

Raman spectroscopic measurements for H2O ice VII have been conducted to 120 GPa at 300 K in the spectroscopic range of 300–4000 cm−1. Both moissanite and diamond anvils were used for the experiments. This overcomes the problems of overlapping spectra between the diamond anvil and sample, which had prevented the observation of the stretching modes at pressures higher than ∼23 GPa in all previous measurements. The new results reveal many bands which have not been reported before. The pressure dependences of the Raman modes show anomalous changes at 13–15, ∼27, ∼44, ∼60, and 90 GPa, implying possible structural changes at these pressures. The new results demonstrate that the predicted symmetric hydrogen bond phase X transition does not occur below 120 GPa.


在最高120 GPa的压力下,H2O冰VII的新拉曼测量值在300 cm-1至4000 cm-1的范围内

在300–4000 cm -1的光谱范围内,H 2 O冰VII的拉曼光谱测量已在300 K下进行至120 GPa 。实验使用了莫桑石和钻石砧。这就克服了钻石砧和样品之间光谱重叠的问题,该问题在以前的所有测量中都阻止了在高于约23 GPa的压力下观察到拉伸模式。新的结果揭示了许多以前从未报道过的波段。拉曼模式的压力依赖性显示出在13–15,〜27,〜44,〜60和90 GPa处的异常变化,这暗示着在这些压力下可能的结构变化。新结果表明,在120 GPa以下不会发生预测的对称氢键相X跃迁。