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Deuterated TEKPol Biradicals and the Spin-Diffusion Barrier in MAS DNP
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-24 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202304844
Amrit Venkatesh 1 , Gilles Casano 2 , Yu Rao 1 , Federico De Biasi 1 , Frédéric A Perras 3, 4 , Dominik J Kubicki 1, 5 , Didier Siri 2 , Sébastien Abel 2 , Hakim Karoui 2 , Maxim Yulikov 6 , Olivier Ouari 2 , Lyndon Emsley 1

Dynamic nuclear polarization NMR of a series of deuterated and fluorinated TEKPol biradicals allows the elucidation of the hyperpolarization transfer pathway. This knowledge has enabled the design of a new polarization agent, NaphPol, which is the most efficient biradical in organic solvents to date.


氘代 TEKPol 双自由基和 MAS DNP 中的自旋扩散势垒

一系列氘化和氟化 TEKPol 双自由基的动态核极化 NMR 可以阐明超极化转移途径。这些知识使得新型偏振剂 NaphPol 的设计成为可能,它是迄今为止有机溶剂中最有效的双自由基。