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Nucleation Window of Ga2O3 and In2O3 for Molecular Beam Epitaxy on (0001) Al2O3
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-23 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00193
Alexander Karg 1 , Justin Andreas Bich 1 , Adrian Messow 1 , Marco Schowalter 1 , Stephan Figge 1 , Andreas Rosenauer 1, 2 , Patrick Vogt 1 , Martin Eickhoff 1, 2

The epitaxial growth of Ga2O3 and In2O3 on (0001)-oriented Al2O3 by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy is investigated. The synthesis of both materials underlies similar growth kinetics, with the formation of volatile suboxides limiting their growth in the metal-rich regime. Quantitative analysis of β-Ga2O3 and c-In2O3 growth kinetics has been performed on appropriate buffer layers mimicking homoepitaxial growth conditions. In particular, we investigate the influence of the amount of supplied atomic oxygen on the growth kinetics of β-Ga2O3. Considering the heteroepitaxial growth on bare (0001) Al2O3, we found that the observed nucleation window is much more limited than the expected growth window derived from homoepitaxial growth conditions. For Ga2O3 this was studied in detail and the upper limit of the nucleation window was determined in terms of the gallium to oxygen ratio on the growth surface and the growth temperature. Outside the nucleation window, we report that three monolayers α-(Al0.75±0.04Ga0.25∓0.04)2O3 formed in the initial stage of growth passivate the surface with respect to further β-Ga2O3 nucleation. We attribute the formation of this layer to the intermixing of a Ga-rich adlayer and Al atoms from the substrate until the solubility limit in the α-phase is reached. The observation is accompanied by a specific RHEED pattern with satellite reflexes assigned to a surface reconstruction in the metal-rich growth regime.


用于 (0001) Al2O3 分子束外延的 Ga2O3 和 In2O3 的成核窗口

研究了等离子体辅助分子束外延在(0001)取向的Al 2 O 3上外延生长Ga 2 O 3和In 2 O 3 。两种材料的合成都基于相似的生长动力学,挥发性低氧化物的形成限制了它们在富含金属的区域中的生长。β-Ga 2 O 3和c-In 2 O 3生长动力学的定量分析已经在模拟同质外延生长条件的适当缓冲层上进行。特别是,我们研究了原子氧供应量对 β-Ga 2 O生长动力学的影响3 . 考虑到裸 (0001) Al 2 O 3上的异质外延生长,我们发现观察到的成核窗口比从同质外延生长条件得到的预期生长窗口要有限得多。对于Ga 2 O 3,这被详细研究并且成核窗口的上限根据生长表面上的镓与氧的比率和生长温度来确定。在成核窗口外,我们报告了在生长初始阶段形成的三个单层 α-(Al 0.75±0.04 Ga 0.25∓0.04 ) 2 O 3相对于进一步的 β-Ga 2 O 3钝化了表面成核。我们将这一层的形成归因于富含 Ga 的吸附层和来自基板的 Al 原子的混合,直到达到 α 相中的溶解度极限。该观察伴随着特定的 RHEED 模式,卫星反射分配给富含金属的生长区域中的表面重建。