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Access-based customer journeys
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-023-00942-6
Lez Trujillo-Torres 1 , Eda Anlamlier 2 , Laetitia Mimoun 3 , Lagnajita Chatterjee 4 , Delphine Dion 5

Despite the popularity of access-based platforms, the understanding of customer journeys remains anchored in traditional market contexts that overlook prosumers’ extended value-chain roles, interconnected experiences, and instrumental sociality in access-based consumption. Using a qualitative study on the access-based platform Rent the Runway, the authors discuss the nature of customer journeys in access-based platforms and showcase how customers perform these journeys. The study reveals two key elements: (1) systemic dynamics, which encompass just-in-time circularity and tightly coupled customer interdependencies, and (2) job crafting, which involves customer work practices that allow pain point avoidance, circulation flow adjustments, and journey stickiness increases. Job crafting can create unpredictable disruptions in other customer journeys and affect systemic flows. This investigation expands research on customer experience management and journey design by developing an access-based platform journey model differentiated from ownership- and service-based platform models, showcasing its systemic instability dynamics, and elaborating how to manage these customer journeys.



尽管基于访问的平台很受欢迎,但对客户旅程的理解仍然扎根于传统的市场环境,忽视了产消者在基于访问的消费中扩展的价值链角色、相互关联的体验和工具社交性。作者通过对基于访问的平台 Rent the Runway 进行定性研究,讨论了基于访问的平台中客户旅程的性质,并展示了客户如何执行这些旅程。该研究揭示了两个关键要素:(1) 系统动态,包括及时循环和紧密耦合的客户相互依赖关系;(2) 工作塑造,其中涉及客户工作实践,可以避免痛点、调整循环流程和旅程粘性增加。工作重塑可能会对其他客户旅程造成不可预测的干扰,并影响系统流程。这项调查通过开发与基于所有权和基于服务的平台模型不同的基于访问的平台旅程模型,展示其系统不稳定动态,并详细说明如何管理这些客户旅程,扩大了对客户体验管理和旅程设计的研究。
