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Nudging and subsidising farmers to foster smart water meter adoption
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-20 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbad013
B Ouvrard 1, 2 , R Préget 3 , A Reynaud 2 , L Tuffery 3, 4

We use a discrete choice experiment with treatments to test if voluntary adoption of smart water meters by French farmers can be fostered by (i) a collective conditional subsidy offered to farmers who adopt a smart meter only if the rate of adoption in their geographic area is sufficiently high and (ii) informational nudges. Using a sample of 1,272 farmers, we find contrasted results regarding our nudges, but we show that a conditional subsidy is an effective tool to foster adoption of smart meters. Interestingly, the willingness to pay for the conditional subsidy is equal to the subsidy amount and independent of the collective adoption threshold.



我们使用离散选择实验和处理来测试是否可以通过以下方式促进法国农民自愿采用智能水表:(i)仅当其地理区域的采用率是足够高和(ii)信息推动。使用 1,272 名农民作为样本,我们发现了关于我们的推动的对比结果,但我们表明有条件的补贴是促进采用智能电表的有效工具。有趣的是,有条件补贴的支付意愿与补贴金额相等,与集体收养门槛无关。