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Preliminary Findings on Social Networks of American Indian Parents Participating in a Family Based Substance Use Prevention Program with their Children
Journal of Child and Family Studies ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10826-023-02595-z
Nicole R. Tuitt , Jerreed Ivanich , Alicia C. Mousseau , Katie Schultz , Ellen Keane , Nancy Asdigian , Nancy Whitesell

Evidence of early initiation of substance use among American Indian youth and links between early initiation and substance use disorder make prevention imperative. The Thiwáhe Gluwáš’akapi Program (TG, Sacred home in which family is made strong) is a group-based and family-centered intervention that was culturally adapted from the Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10–14 to address this need. Groups of families participated in TG together for seven weeks; this study explored whether the social networks of parents participating in this program were enhanced through this group experience, particularly with regard to connections that support parenting. Parents completed social network surveys at baseline and post-intervention (n = 106) that included questions about who they would go to when they experienced challenges in parenting their children. Average network centrality and desire to seek parenting advice from TG program peers both increased at post-test. The findings from this preliminary study suggest that group-based interventions have the potential to impact social networks and point to the need for rigorous study of how networks are influenced by such interventions and, in turn, may affect their impact.



美国印第安青年早期开始使用物质的证据以及早期开始和物质使用障碍之间的联系使得预防势在必行。Thiwáhe Gluwáš'akapi 计划(TG,让家庭变得强大的神圣家园)是一项以团体为基础、以家庭为中心的干预措施,在文化上改编自针对父母和 10-14 岁青少年的加强家庭计划,旨在解决这一需求。家庭小组一起参加了为期七周的 TG;这项研究探讨了参与该计划的父母的社交网络是否通过这种集体经历得到了加强,特别是在支持育儿方面的联系方面。父母在基线和干预后完成了社交网络调查(n = 106) 其中包括当他们在养育子女方面遇到挑战时会去找谁的问题。平均网络中心地位和向 TG 计划同伴寻求育儿建议的愿望在测试后都有所增加。这项初步研究的结果表明,基于群体的干预有可能影响社交网络,并指出需要严格研究网络如何受到此类干预的影响,进而可能影响其影响。
