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Single-cell RNA sequencing and kidney organoid differentiation
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10157-023-02359-5
Kohei Uchimura 1

Since 2015, Japanese researchers have made great progress in developing a method to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into kidney organoids. Protocols have been established to produce increasingly complex three-dimensional (3D) structures, which are used as a human kidney disease model and adapted for high-throughput screening. During this period, single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology was developed to perform a comprehensive analysis at the single-cell level. We have performed a comprehensive analysis using scRNA-seq to define how kidney organoids can be applied to understand kidney development and pathology. The structure of kidney organoids is complex and contains many cell types of varying maturity. Since only a few proteins and mRNAs can be identified by immunostaining and other techniques, we performed scRNA-seq, which is an unbiased technology that can comprehensively categorize all cell types present in organoids. The aim of this study is to review the problems of kidney organoids based on scRNA-seq and the efforts to address the problems and predict future applications with this powerful technique.


单细胞 RNA 测序和肾类器官分化,单细胞 RNA 测序和肾类器官分化

自2015年以来,日本研究人员在开发将人类多能干细胞(hPSC)分化为肾脏类器官的方法方面取得了巨大进展。已经建立了生产日益复杂的三维(3D)结构的协议,这些结构被用作人类肾脏疾病模型并适用于高通量筛选。在此期间,单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)技术被发展起来,可以在单细胞水平上进行全面的分析。我们使用 scRNA-seq 进行了全面分析,以确定如何应用肾脏类器官来了解肾脏发育和病理学。肾脏类器官的结构很复杂,包含许多不同成熟度的细胞类型。由于通过免疫染色和其他技术只能识别少数蛋白质和 mRNA,因此我们进行了 scRNA-seq,这是一种公正的技术,可以对类器官中存在的所有细胞类型进行全面分类。本研究的目的是回顾基于 scRNA-seq 的肾脏类器官的问题以及解决这些问题的努力并预测利用这种强大技术的未来应用。


自2015年以来,日本研究人员在开发将人类多能干细胞(hPSC)分化为肾脏类器官的方法方面取得了巨大进展。已经建立了生产日益复杂的三维(3D)结构的协议,这些结构被用作人类肾脏疾病模型并适用于高通量筛选。在此期间,单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq)技术被发展起来,可以在单细胞水平上进行全面的分析。我们使用 scRNA-seq 进行了全面分析,以确定如何应用肾脏类器官来了解肾脏发育和病理学。肾脏类器官的结构很复杂,包含许多不同成熟度的细胞类型。由于通过免疫染色和其他技术只能识别少数蛋白质和 mRNA,因此我们进行了 scRNA-seq,这是一种公正的技术,可以对类器官中存在的所有细胞类型进行全面分类。本研究的目的是回顾基于 scRNA-seq 的肾脏类器官的问题以及解决这些问题的努力并预测利用这种强大技术的未来应用。
