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Hot Corrosion Behavior of a Ti–Al–Mo–V–Cr–Zr Titanium Matrix Composite Reinforced with In Situ Multiple Phases (TiB, TiC, and Ti5Si3) Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-19 , DOI: 10.1134/s2070205122060193
Jianming Wu , Xiaojing Xu , Xiang Bai , Shuaidi Li , Yuntian Luo , Lin Huang


In this paper, new titanium matrix composites (TMCs) with in situ synthesized multiphase (TiB, TiC, Ti5Si3) hybrid reinforcement were prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) using Ti555-type titanium alloy (Ti–5.4Al–4.03Mo–3.93V–2.37Cr–0.01Zr) and B4CP, CNT, and SiCP as primary powders. The effects of different reinforcements on the hot corrosion performance of the materials were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the corrosion weight gain, corrosion thickness and corrosion products were analyzed and tested. The results showed that the corrosion products of the base alloy, TMC1 (3.5 vol % B4CP) and TMC3 (3.5 vol % B4CP + 1.5 vol % CNT) were mainly Al2O3, TiO2, NaTiO2 and TiS2, while TMC2 (3.5 vol % B4CP + 1.5 vol % SiCP), in addition to the above products SiO2 was also detected, which has a good corrosion resistance. Furthermore, the corrosion weight gain and corrosion depth of the matrix, TMC1, TMC3, and TMC2 gradually decreased, with corrosion depths of 49, 37, 23, and 14 μm, respectively, indicating that the corrosion resistance of the composites gradually increased, with TMC2 having the best corrosion resistance and the lowest corrosion weight gain of 10.264 mg cm–2. Throughout the corrosion process, the excellent hot corrosion resistance the degree is TMC2 > TMC3 > TMC1 > matrix in order.


火花等离子烧结原位多相(TiB、TiC 和 Ti5Si3)增强的 Ti-Al-Mo-V-Cr-Zr 钛基复合材料的热腐蚀行为


在本文中,使用 Ti555 型钛合金(Ti-5.4Al-4.03)通过放电等离子烧结(SPS)制备了具有原位合成多相(TiB、TiC、Ti 5 Si 3 )杂化增强体的新型钛基复合材料(TMC) Mo–3.93V–2.37Cr–0.01Zr) 和 B 4 C P、CNT 和 SiC P作为初级粉末。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱(EDS)和X射线衍射(XRD)研究不同增强体对材料热腐蚀性能的影响,得到腐蚀增重、腐蚀厚度和腐蚀产物分析和测试。结果表明,基础合金 TMC1 (3.5 vol % B 4 CP )和TMC3(3.5 vol % B 4 C P + 1.5 vol % CNT)主要为Al 2 O 3、TiO 2、NaTiO 2和TiS 2,而TMC2(3.5 vol % B 4 C P + 1.5 vol % SiC P ),除上述产物SiO 2还检测到,具有良好的耐腐蚀性。此外,基体、TMC1、TMC3和TMC2的腐蚀增重和腐蚀深度逐渐减小,腐蚀深度分别为49、37、23和14 μm,表明复合材料的耐腐蚀性能逐渐增加,随着TMC2 具有最好的耐腐蚀性和最低的腐蚀增重 10.264 mg cm –2。在整个腐蚀过程中,优异的耐热腐蚀性能依次为TMC2>TMC3>TMC1>基体。
