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Visible Light-Driven Sandwich-like g-C3N4-Catalyzed Oxidation to Produce Cumene Hydroperoxide
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c00600
Hongfei Zhu 1 , Jingnan Zhao 1 , Zongyi Yu 1 , Jianing Li 1 , Cunfei Ma 1 , Huinan Sun 1 , Yufeng Wu 1 , Qingwei Meng 1, 2

Cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) is an important intermediate for the production of phenol, acetone, propylene oxide, and other raw materials in the petrochemical industry. However, due to the high reaction temperature and pressure, the current process for the industrial production of CHP has problems of potential safety hazards and high energy consumption. In this work, carbon nitride (g-C3N4) with a unique sandwich structure was discovered as a photocatalyst. It efficiently activates molecular oxygen in the air, oxidizes cumene (CM) to prepare CHP, and realizes high atom economy transformation at room temperature, atmospheric pressure, and solvent-free conditions. The continuous flow strategy was adopted to improve the gas–liquid mass transfer efficiency and reduce the phenomenon of back-mixing, thereby reducing the decomposition of the products and improving the product selectivity. The conversion rate was the same as that of the batch reaction, reaching 23%. The selectivity of the product CHP increased from 82 to 92%, and the reaction residence time was shortened from 10 h to 70 min. The catalysts have the advantages of high efficiency, easy availability, environmentally friendly, etc., and are recyclable and stable. This work provides a new strategy for establishing green, sustainable, clean, and efficient methods for the preparation of peroxides.


可见光驱动的三明治状 g-C3N4 催化氧化生产氢过氧化异丙苯

氢过氧化异丙苯(CHP)是石油化工生产苯酚、丙酮、环氧丙烷等原料的重要中间体。然而,由于反应温度和压力较高,目前热电联产的工业化生产工艺存在安全隐患和能耗高的问题。在这项工作中,氮化碳(gC 3 N 4) 具有独特的三明治结构作为光催化剂被发现。高效活化空气中的分子氧,氧化异丙苯(CM)制备热电联产,在常温、常压、无溶剂条件下实现高原子经济性转化。采用连续流策略,提高了气液传质效率,减少了返混现象,从而减少了产物的分解,提高了产物的选择性。转化率与间歇反应相同,达到23%。产物CHP的选择性从82%提高到92%,反应停留时间从10 h缩短到70 min。该催化剂具有高效、易得、环境友好等优点,可回收、稳定。