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Slow Magic: Agricultural Versus Industrial R&D Lag Models
Annual Review of Resource Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-17 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-111820-034312
Julian M. Alston 1 , Philip G. Pardey 2 , Devin Serfas 1 , Shanchao Wang 3

R&D is slow magic. It takes many years before research investments begin to affect productivity, but then they can affect productivity for a long time. Many economists get this wrong. Here, we revisit the conceptual foundations for R&D lag models used to represent the temporal links between research investments and impact, review prevalent practice, and document and discuss a range of evidence on R&D lags in agriculture and other industries. Our theory and evidence consistently support the use of longer lags with a different overall lag profile than is typically imposed in studies of industrial R&D and government compilations of R&D knowledge stocks. Many studies systematically fail to recognize the many years of investment and effort typically required to create a new technology and bring it to market and the subsequent years as the technology is diffused and adopted. Consequential distortions in the measures and economic understanding are implied.


