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Enabling superior electrochemical performance of NCA cathode in Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5-based solid-state batteries with a dual-electrolyte layer
Chinese Chemical Letters ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cclet.2023.108561
Ziling Jiang , Shaoqing Chen , Chaochao Wei , Ziqi Zhang , Zhongkai Wu , Qiyue Luo , Liang Ming , Long Zhang , Chuang Yu

LiNiCoAlO (NCA) is a promising cathode for sulfide-based solid-state lithium batteries (ASSLBs) profiting from its high specific capacity and voltage plateau, which yielding high energy density. However, the inferior interfacial stability between the bare NCA and sulfides limits its electrochemical performance. Hereien, the dual-electrolyte layer is proposed to mitigate this effect and enhance the battery performances of NCA-based ASSLIBs. The LiInCl wih high conductivity and excellent electrochemcial stability act both as an ion additives to promote Li-ion diffusion across the interface in the cathode and as a buffer layer between the cathode layer and the solid electrolyte layer to avoid side reactions and improve the interface stability. The corresponding battery exhibits high discharge capacities and superior cyclabilities at both room and elevated temperatures. It exhibits discharge performance of 237.04 and 216.07 mAh/g at 0.1 and 0.5 C, respectively, when cycled at 60 °C, and sustains 95.9% of the capacity after 100 cycles at 0.5 C. The work demonstrates a simple strategy to ensure the superior performances of NCA in sulfide-based ASSLBs.


在具有双电解质层的 Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5 固态电池中实现 NCA 阴极的卓越电化学性能

LiNiCoAlO (NCA) 是一种很有前途的硫化物固态锂电池 (ASSLB) 阴极,得益于其高比容量和电压平台,可产生高能量密度。然而,裸NCA和硫化物之间较差的界面稳定性限制了其电化学性能。在此,提出了双电解质层来减轻这种影响并增强基于 NCA 的 ASSLIB 的电池性能。 LiInCl具有高电导率和优异的电化学稳定性,既作为离子添加剂促进锂离子在正极界面扩散,又作为正极层和固体电解质层之间的缓冲层,避免副反应并提高界面稳定性。相应的电池在室温和高温下均表现出高放电容量和优异的循环性能。在 60 °C 下循环时,其在 0.1 C 和 0.5 C 下的放电性能分别为 237.04 mAh/g 和 216.07 mAh/g,并在 0.5 C 下循环 100 次后仍保持 95.9% 的容量。该工作展示了一种确保优异性能的简单策略。 NCA 在硫化物基 ASSLB 中的性能。