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Geospatial Assessment of Long-Term Changes (1937–2019) in Mangrove Vegetation and Shoreline Dynamics of Godavari Estuary, East Coast of India
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s12524-023-01698-w
Snigdha Dev Roy , Shivam Trivedi

Godavari mangroves are the second largest mangrove ecoregion of India located on its eastern coast. Mangroves perform major ecological functions including shoreline stabilization and coastal protection. They have undergone serious alterations, largely induced by human activities resulting in increased vulnerability to coastal flooding. A reliable database on mangroves distribution and temporal changes is essential for their effective management and conservation. Present study analyzes the long-term changes in mangroves, as well as the geomorphological changes along the coast of Godavari Estuary over a span of 82 years (1937–2019), using topographical maps, remotely sensed multi-temporal satellite imageries for five time periods. Results indicated that the rate of land uses conversions of agricultural fields, degraded areas, mudflats and mangrove vegetation into aquaculture significantly increased during the late 1990s. About 40 percent of it was constructed on mangrove areas between 1980 and 2019. The area under aquaculture was estimated to be 6,388.62 ha in 2000, almost doubling-up to 11,924.67 ha in 2019. Mangrove cover in this region increased by 15.95 percent between 2000 and 2019 (including 11.9 percent in Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary) due to increased protection, consequent regeneration and accretion. Shift in Hope Island spit was observed in north and northwest directions, gradually growing nearly 3.84 km. High-resolution declassified satellite data were found very helpful for long-term mangrove mapping and analyzing geomorphological changes; enabling a better understanding of these regions to help decision makers/planners to find better solutions to existing coastal issues. The paper concludes with some recommendations to restore and conserve the existing mangrove cover in the study area.



戈达瓦里红树林是印度第二大红树林生态区,位于其东海岸。红树林发挥着重要的生态功能,包括稳定海岸线和保护海岸线。它们经历了严重的改变,主要是人类活动导致的,导致沿海洪水的脆弱性增加。关于红树林分布和时间变化的可靠数据库对于红树林的有效管理和保护至关重要。本研究使用地形图、五个时间段的遥感多时相卫星图像,分析了红树林的长期变化以及戈达瓦里河口沿岸 82 年(1937 年至 2019 年)的地貌变化. 结果表明,农田、退化地区的土地利用转化率,1990 年代后期,用于水产养殖的泥滩和红树林植被显着增加。1980 年至 2019 年期间,其中约 40% 建在红树林区。2000 年水产养殖面积估计为 6,388.62 公顷,到 2019 年几乎翻了一番,达到 11,924.67 公顷。该地区的红树林覆盖率在 2000 年至 2000 年期间增加了 15.95% 2019 年(包括 Coringa 野生动物保护区的 11.9%)由于加强保护、随之而来的再生和增生。希望岛沙嘴向北和西北方向移动,逐渐增加近3.84公里。高分辨率解密卫星数据被发现对长期红树林测绘和分析地貌变化非常有帮助;能够更好地了解这些地区,以帮助决策者/规划者找到更好的解决现有沿海问题的方法。本文最后提出了一些恢复和保护研究区现有红树林覆盖的建议。
