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Light Makes Right: Laser Polishing for Surface Modification of Perovskite Solar Cells
ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-12 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00469
Mayank Kedia 1, 2 , Monika Rai 1 , Himanshu Phirke 3 , Clara A Aranda 4 , Chittaranjan Das 1, 2 , Vladimir Chirvony 4 , Stephan Boehringer 1 , Małgorzata Kot 5 , Mahdi Malekshahi Byranvand 1, 2 , Jan Ingo Flege 5 , Alex Redinger 3 , Michael Saliba 1, 2

Interface engineering is a common strategy for passivating surface defects to attain open circuit voltages (Voc) in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). In this work, we introduce the concept of polishing a perovskite thin-film surface using a nanosecond (ns) pulsed ultraviolet laser to reduce surface defects, such as dangling bonds, undesirable phases, and suboptimal stoichiometry. A careful control of laser energy and scanning speed improves the photophysical properties of the surface without compromising the thickness. Using laser polishing, a Voc of 1.21 V is achieved for planar PSCs with a triple cation composition, showing an improved perovskite/hole transport interface by mitigating surface recombination losses. We measure an efficiency boost from 18.0% to 19.3% with improved stability of up to 1000 h. The results open the door to a new class of surface modification using lasers for interface passivation in well-controllable, automated, scalable, and solvent-free surface treatments.



界面工程是钝化表面缺陷以获得钙钛矿太阳能电池 ( PSC )开路电压 ( Voc ) 的常用策略。在这项工作中,我们介绍了使用纳秒 (ns) 脉冲紫外激光抛光钙钛矿薄膜表面的概念,以减少表面缺陷,例如悬空键、不良相和次优化学计量。仔细控制激光能量和扫描速度可以在不影响厚度的情况下改善表面的光物理特性。使用激光抛光,V oc具有三重阳离子组成的平面 PSC 达到 1.21 V,通过减少表面复合损失显示出改进的钙钛矿/空穴传输界面。我们测得效率从 18.0% 提高到 19.3%,稳定性提高了长达 1000 小时。该结果为使用激光在可控、自动化、可扩展和无溶剂表面处理中进行界面钝化的新型表面改性打开了大门。