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Tailoring vascular phenotype through AAV therapy promotes anti-tumor immunity in glioma
Cancer Cell ( IF 48.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2023.04.010
Mohanraj Ramachandran 1 , Alessandra Vaccaro 1 , Tiarne van de Walle 1 , Maria Georganaki 1 , Roberta Lugano 1 , Kalyani Vemuri 1 , Despoina Kourougkiaouri 1 , Konstantinos Vazaios 1 , Marie Hedlund 1 , Georgia Tsaridou 1 , Lene Uhrbom 1 , Ilkka Pietilä 1 , Miika Martikainen 1 , Luuk van Hooren 1 , Thomas Olsson Bontell 2 , Asgeir S Jakola 3 , Di Yu 1 , Bengt Westermark 1 , Magnus Essand 1 , Anna Dimberg 1

Glioblastomas are aggressive brain tumors that are largely immunotherapy resistant. This is associated with immunosuppression and a dysfunctional tumor vasculature, which hinder T cell infiltration. LIGHT/TNFSF14 can induce high endothelial venules (HEVs) and tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS), suggesting that its therapeutic expression could promote T cell recruitment. Here, we use a brain endothelial cell-targeted adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector to express LIGHT in the glioma vasculature (AAV-LIGHT). We found that systemic AAV-LIGHT treatment induces tumor-associated HEVs and T cell-rich TLS, prolonging survival in αPD-1-resistant murine glioma. AAV-LIGHT treatment reduces T cell exhaustion and promotes TCF1+CD8+ stem-like T cells, which reside in TLS and intratumoral antigen-presenting niches. Tumor regression upon AAV-LIGHT therapy correlates with tumor-specific cytotoxic/memory T cell responses. Our work reveals that altering vascular phenotype through vessel-targeted expression of LIGHT promotes efficient anti-tumor T cell responses and prolongs survival in glioma. These findings have broader implications for treatment of other immunotherapy-resistant cancers.


通过 AAV 治疗调整血管表型可促进神经胶质瘤的抗肿瘤免疫

胶质母细胞瘤是一种侵袭性脑肿瘤,很大程度上对免疫治疗有抵抗力。这与免疫抑制和肿瘤血管系统功能障碍有关,从而阻碍 T 细胞浸润。 LIGHT/TNFSF14 可以诱导高内皮微静脉 (HEV) 和三级淋巴结构 (TLS),表明其治疗性表达可以促进 T 细胞募集。在这里,我们使用脑内皮细胞靶向腺相关病毒 (AAV) 载体在神经胶质瘤脉管系统中表达 LIGHT (AAV-LIGHT)。我们发现全身 AAV-LIGHT 治疗可诱导肿瘤相关的 HEV 和富含 T 细胞的 TLS,从而延长 αPD-1 耐药小鼠神经胶质瘤的生存期。 AAV-LIGHT 治疗可减少 T 细胞耗竭并促进 TCF1+CD8+ 干细胞样 T 细胞,这些细胞驻留在 TLS 和瘤内抗原呈递生态位中。 AAV-LIGHT 治疗后的肿瘤消退与肿瘤特异性细胞毒性/记忆 T 细胞反应相关。我们的工作表明,通过血管靶向表达 LIGHT 来改变血管表型可促进有效的抗肿瘤 T 细胞反应并延长神经胶质瘤的存活时间。这些发现对其他免疫疗法耐药癌症的治疗具有更广泛的影响。