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Unveiling motivations and keeping what's sacred: Engaging reflexivity in a research program on diverse romantic relationships
Journal of Family Theory & Review ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 , DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12510
TeKisha M. Rice 1

Guided by Allen's (2023) call for developing a critical consciousness, this paper applies feminist reflexive practice to uncover the personal curiosities and contradictions that have motivated my research program on diverse romantic relationships. Specifically, I examine faith, race, and heterosexism as the root of an unresolved collision of privilege and oppression that undergird my burgeoning research program. I begin by reviewing my own positionality before sharing how my personal experiences with family and identity collided with my profession. Finally, I discuss how the personal and professional have motivated praxis, or the leveraging of research as a pathway toward social justice. In doing so, I unveil how personal motivations and complacency in oppression shaped the development of my research program in hopes of spurring innovative theorizing and empirical research rooted in the authenticity of lived experiences.



在 Allen (2023) 呼吁发展批判意识的指导下,本文运用女权主义反身实践来揭示个人的好奇心和矛盾,这些好奇心和矛盾激发了我对不同浪漫关系的研究计划。具体来说,我将信仰、种族和异性恋作为未解决的特权与压迫冲突的根源进行研究,这种冲突巩固了我迅速发展的研究计划。在分享我的个人经历与家庭和身份如何与我的职业发生冲突之前,我先回顾一下自己的定位。最后,我讨论了个人和专业如何激发实践,或如何利用研究作为实现社会正义的途径。在这样做,