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Perceptions towards pronatalist policies in Singapore
Journal of Population Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s12546-023-09309-8
Jolene Tan

Fertility rates have been declining in most high-income countries. Singapore is at the forefront of developing pronatalist policies to increase birth rates. This study examines perceptions towards pronatalist policies among men and women in Singapore and compares which policies are perceived as the most important contributors to the conduciveness for childbearing. Using data from the Singapore Perceptions of the Marriage and Parenthood Package study (N = 2000), the results from dominance analysis highlight two important findings. First, paternity leave, shared parental leave, and the Baby Bonus are the top three contributors to the conduciveness to have children. Second, the combined positive effect of financial incentives and work–life policies is perceived to be favorable to fertility. The findings suggest that low-fertility countries may wish to consider adopting this basket of policies as they are like to be regarded as supportive of childbearing. Although previous research suggests that pronatalist policies may only have a modest effect on fertility, the findings raise further questions as to whether fertility may decline even further in the absence of these policies.



大多数高收入国家的生育率一直在下降。新加坡处于制定鼓励生育政策以提高出生率的前沿。本研究调查了新加坡男性和女性对生育政策的看法,并比较了哪些政策被认为是有利于生育的最重要因素。使用新加坡对婚姻和生育一揽子计划的看法研究(N  = 2000)的数据,优势分析的结果强调了两个重要的发现。首先,陪产假、共享育儿假和婴儿奖金是有利于生育的三大因素。其次,经济激励和工作生活政策的综合积极影响被认为有利于生育。研究结果表明,低生育率国家可能希望考虑采用这一篮子政策,因为它们可能被视为支持生育。尽管之前的研究表明,生育政策可能对生育率影响不大,但研究结果提出了进一步的问题:如果没有这些政策,生育率是否会进一步下降。
