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[W10O32]4−-based POMOFs with different nuclear cobalt clusters for photoreduction of CO2 to produce syngas
Journal of Materials Chemistry C ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 , DOI: 10.1039/d3tc00775h
Si-Qi You 1 , Yu-Jiao Dong 1 , Bao-Shan Hou 1 , Man Dong 1 , Jia-Lin Tong 1 , Ling-Xin Wang 2 , Xin-Long Wang 1 , Chun-Yi Sun 1 , Wei Guan 1 , Zhong-Min Su 1, 2

The CO2 emissions from flue gases in traditional electricity generation and industrial sectors account for the main source of global emissions. The direct conversion of CO2 in flue gases into value-added carbon production is a low-cost and simple process to realize a carbon neutral cycle, yet the development of an efficient catalyst to treat the CO2 in flue gases is still in its infancy. Here, we present two polyoxometalate-based metal organic frameworks (POMOFs) with [W10O32]4− as the connecting node, named Co2(W10O32)(BIA)4(CH3CN)4 (compound 1) and Co4(W10O32)(INA)6(CH3CN)4(TBA)2 (compound 2), as catalysts for the photoreduction of CO2 in exhaust gases. Under a pure CO2 atmosphere, syngas is the main product and the yield of compound 1 is 72.7 μmol h−1, which is ∼40% higher than that of compound 2 (54.2 μmol h−1). Notably, the yield of compound 1 reaches 42.7 μmol h−1 with 15% CO2 in the flue gas, which indicates that the catalyst can not only overcome the low CO2 concentration but also tolerate the harsh gas composition in the flue gas. In addition, density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that the charge distribution and steric hindrance of compound 1 were conducive to the reduction reaction.


[W10O32]4-基具有不同核钴簇的 POMOFs 用于光还原 CO2 以产生合成气

传统发电和工业部门烟气排放的CO 2是全球排放的主要来源。将烟气中的CO 2直接转化为高附加值的碳生产是实现碳中和循环的低成本、简单的过程,但开发用于处理烟气中CO 2 的高效催化剂仍处于起步阶段. 在这里,我们提出了两种以[W 10 O 32 ] 4−作为连接节点的多金属氧酸盐基金属有机框架 (POMOF) ,命名为 Co 2 (W 10 O 32 )(BIA) 4 (CH 3 CN) 4(化合物1 )和Co 4 (W 10 O 32 )(INA) 6 (CH 3 CN) 4 (TBA) 2 (化合物2 ),作为废气中CO 2光还原的催化剂。在纯CO 2气氛下,合成气是主要产物,化合物1的产率为72.7 μmol h -1,比化合物2(54.2 μmol h -1)高约40%。值得注意的是,化合物1的产率在 15% CO 2下达到 42.7 μmol h -1在烟气中,这表明该催化剂不仅可以克服低CO 2浓度,而且可以耐受烟气中的苛刻气体成分。此外,密度泛函理论(DFT)计算表明化合物1的电荷分布和空间位阻有利于还原反应。