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Of rhythm and movement: physical play and dance as (participatory) sense-making practices
Research in Dance Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 , DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2023.2211524
Carolien Hermans 1


Drawing on the enactive account and the 4E’s approach to cognition, we discuss here how both physical play and dance improvisational practice can be seen as (participatory) sense-making processes. In this article, we will specifically focus on children’s physical play and dance improvisation since both activities are open-ended, creative and call immediate attention for the kinetic/tactile-kinesthetic dimensions of the body. Dance improvisation is defined here as the creation of movements in the here and now. Children’s physical play is defined as playful activities initiated by children that bring the kinetic/tactile-kinesthetic experience to the fore. We will argue that enactivism provides a rich entrance in analyzing children’s physical play and dance improvisation. In this article we first give a short introduction into the 4E’s approach to cognition, the enactive approach and the concept of participatory sense-making. We then discuss how children’s physical play and dance improvisation can be seen as special forms of participatory sense-making on the basis of five themes: decision-making-in-action, kinesthetic pleasure, coordination of action, creative potential and ambiguity. In the final section, we illustrate how the participatory model introduced in this article can be used by the enactive approach to explain higher-level cognitive processes in a broader sense.




借鉴生成账户和 4E 的认知方法,我们在这里讨论身体游戏和即兴舞蹈练习如何被视为(参与式)意义构建过程。在这篇文章中,我们将特别关注儿童的身体游戏和即兴舞蹈,因为这两种活动都是开放式的、创造性的,并且会立即引起对身体的动力学/触觉运动维度的关注。即兴舞蹈在这里被定义为此时此地的动作创作。儿童的身体游戏被定义为由儿童发起的游戏活动,这些活动将动能/触觉-动觉体验放在首位。我们将争辩说,生成主义为分析儿童的身体游戏和即兴舞蹈提供了丰富的入口。在本文中,我们首先简要介绍 4E 的认知方法、生成方法和参与式意义建构的概念。然后,我们讨论如何根据五个主题将儿童的体育游戏和即兴舞蹈视为参与性意义建构的特殊形式:行动中的决策、动觉愉悦、行动协调、创造潜力和模糊性。在最后一节中,我们说明了生成式方法如何使用本文介绍的参与式模型来解释更广泛意义上的更高层次的认知过程。行动中的决策、动觉愉悦、行动协调、创造潜力和模糊性。在最后一节中,我们说明了生成式方法如何使用本文介绍的参与式模型来解释更广泛意义上的更高层次的认知过程。行动中的决策、动觉愉悦、行动协调、创造潜力和模糊性。在最后一节中,我们说明了生成式方法如何使用本文介绍的参与式模型来解释更广泛意义上的更高层次的认知过程。
